2.2. Notes

Table MaCrimStat was derived from the table macrimstat_orig (which consists of the original data for the year 1999) with the following query:

FROM "macrimestat_orig"
GROUP BY "TOWN_ID", "TOWN", "YEAR", numveh, "POP2000"

The aid of this query is to aggregate data for each town as well as to select fields required for the analysis.

Table “macrimestat” consists (among other fields/attributes)

  1. Field “TOWN_ID” – id of town

  2. Field “numveh” – vehicle theft rates per 100,000 population. If there were no reports on vehicle theft, this field consists of "-1".

  3. Field POP2000 - population in the year 2000.

  4. Refer to metadata (http://www.mass.gov/mgis/crime_statistics.htm) for detail information on the table structure/attributes.

  5. As field names are in CAPITAL letters you need to use quotes around field names to perform queries, e.g.

FROM macrimestat;

Otherwise, PostgreSQL will convert field names to lower case (by default), and it will cause an error, as the table has the field "TOWN_ID", not the "town_id". Please remember use quotes if field names of a table are in UPPER CASE.