2. Assignment: GRASS Plug-in basics

2.1. Assignment

This assigment will give you the opportunity to get more familiar with the GRASS plugin practising once more the tasks you learnt in the GRASS Plugin Basics module.

What to do

  • Create a new GRASS database called "GRASS_PluginBasics" with a new mapset called "Assignment". Make the region be worldwide.

  • Copy the World GRASS vector we used in the "GRASS Plugin Basics module" into the new mapset (tip: best place to do this is from the GRASS browser).

  • Find a shapefile with spacial data from your own country.

  • Convert that shapefile to a GRASS vector layer and store it in the "Assignment" mapset.

Note: make sure all the datasets have a defined projection for QGIS "on the fly" projection to be able to work.
  • Display your dataset over the World layer. Zoom to your data and capture "screenshot 1".

  • Create a new GRASS point layer containing a point showing the aproximate location of your home town. Create this layer inside the "Assignment" mapset. Display this layer over the world map. Zoom to your country and create "screenshot 2".

  • Export the new layer into a shapefile named after your hometown. Make sure this layer has a defined projection.

Assignment Deliverables

  • 1. Screenshot 1

  • 2. Screenshot 2

  • 3. A compressed version (zip file or similar) of your "GRASS_PluginBasics" database.

  • 4. A compressed version (zip file or similar) of the point shapefile with your hometown.

  • 5. A note about any problems you may have encountered while completing this assignment.

Please email a .pdf of the assignment to your instructor and the compressed files with the data created. You can create the .pdf by pasting the screenshots into an Open Office, Microsoft Word, etc file. If you do not have a .pdf creator, you can download a print to .pdf program, such as PDFCreator.