2. Assignment 2: GIS Literature Review

2.1. From Intro-fossgis-umass

Assignment 2. GIS Literature Review

Goal: The idea of this assignment is to give you a chance to learn about how GIS has been applied in your areas of interest.


1. Conduct a literature search for articles that discuss the use of GIS in the area(s) you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in forest management, search for literature on the use of GIS for forest management.

2. Provide a short summary of each article or case you read about. Please write this in your own words. Each review should be no more than ½ page in length. Possible questions you might want to address:

- What was the purpose of the project? - What data were used? Where did the data come from? Was it developed by the researchers or from some other source? - How was GIS used for analysis?

3. Close the paper with a few statements on whether this exercise helped you understand a little more what GIS is about.