Exercise 5: Georeferencing with QGIS

Table of Contents

1. Intro-fossgis-umass
1.1. Author Attribution
1.2. Module Licensing Information
1.3. Reviewed by
2. Georeferencing with QGIS
2.1. Overview
2.2. Scan the map to a TIFF file
2.3. Specifying the coordinate system for the image
2.4. Georeferencing an Image with Georeferencing Tool/Extension
Making Plugin available
Georeferencing procedure
2.5. Adding data sets with different projections to one map
2.6. Appendix A. Scanned Image, map information
Scanned Topo Image (Amherst, MA)
Ground Control Poitns: Details
MassGIS database projection information
2.7. Appendix B. Comparison of different image formats
2.8. Appendix C: Dataset
2.9. External Links