{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}
{% if form.non_field_errors %} {{ form.non_field_errors.as_ul }} {% endif %}
About the Author

Neither your email address will be published, nor the details about you (which will be used to introduce you at the conference).

  1. {{ form.author }} {% if form.author.errors %} {{ form.author.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
  2. {{ form.email }} {% if form.email.errors %} {{ form.email.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
  3. {{ form.organisation }} (optional) {% if form.organisation.errors %} {{ form.organisation.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
  4. {{ form.biography }} {% if form.biography.errors %} {{ form.biography.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
About the Presentation

The length of the Abstract should be about 150 words. Please also add some tags (single word, all lowercase, space separated) that characterize your Abstract (to ease the voting process).

  1. {{ form.title }} {% if form.title.errors %} {{ form.title.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
  2. {{ form.abstract }} {% if form.abstract.errors %} {{ form.abstract.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
  3. {{ form.tags }} {% if form.tags.errors %} {{ form.tags.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}
  4. {{ form.academic }} {% if form.academic.errors %} {{ form.academic.errors.as_text }} {% endif %}

{% endblock %}