%h1 About Us %h2 %strong Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) %p The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was created to support and build the highest-quality open source geospatial software. Our goal is to encourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects %h2 %strong FOSS4G 2009 Organising Committee %p %strong %a{ :href => "http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com/" } Cameron Shorter , %a{ :href => "http://lisasoft.com" } LISAsoft (Chair) %br %strong Tim Bowden , Mapforge %br %strong %a{:href => "http://twitter.com/sabman"} Shoaib Burq , %a{:href => "http://www.ga.gov.au"} Geoscience Australia %br %strong Bruce Bannerman , Bureau of Meteorology %br %strong Ben Searle , Office of Spatial Data Management %br %strong %a{ :href => "http://www.mapbutcher.com/blog/" } Simon Hope , %a{ :href => "http://www.esriaustralia.com.au/" } ESRI Australia %br %strong Harley Prowse , %a{ :href => "http://www.geobiz.co.nz/" } Geographic Business Solutions Ltd , Auckland, New Zealand. %br %strong Jody Garnett , %a{ :href => "http://lisasoft.com" } LISAsoft %br %strong Mark Leslie , %a{ :href => "http://lisasoft.com" } LISAsoft %br %strong Volker Mische %br %h2 %strong OSGeo Representatives %p %strong Jeff McKenna , OSGeo conference committee Chair %br %strong Paul Ramsey , OSGeo Board Representative %br %strong Tyler Mitchell , OSGeo Executive Director %h1 Contacts %h2 FOSS4G Wiki Site %p %a{ :href => "http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009" } http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009 %h2 Professional Conference Organiser %p %a{ :href => "http://www.arinex.com.au/" } %img{ :src => "../images/Arinex.jpg", :border => "0",:alt => "Arinex" } %p FOSS4G 2009 Conference Managers %br c/o Arinex pty ltd %p %strong Postal %br GPO Box 128 %br Sydney, NSW, 2001 Australia %p %strong Courier %br Level 10 51 Druitt Street %br Sydney, NSW, 2001 Australia %br Ph: + 61 2 9265 0700 %br Fax: + 61 2 9267 5443 %br Email: %a{ :href => "mailto:foss4g2009@arinex.com.au" } foss4g2009@arinex.com.au #Contact_us_form %iframe{ :src=>"http://spreadsheets.google.com/embeddedform?key=tqPfkmAu7Lh2tyVERhCbccQ", :height=>"683", :frameborder=>"0",:marginheight => "0", :marginwidth => "0", :style => "overflow:hidden", :width => "90%" } Loading...