%h1 FOSS4G 2009 Presentations %p 94 presentations are scheduled from the 21st to the 23rd October. Each session runs for 25 minutes. The following is a summary of the presentation schedule %ul %li %p October 21st - 30 Sessions across 5 rooms %li %p October 22nd - 36 Sessions across 3 rooms %li %p October 23rd - 31 Sessions across 5 rooms %p If you are presenting at FOSS4G 2009 you can download some guidance =link "here", "downloads/Speaker_briefing_notes_v2.pdf" %p To view the presentations within the schedule =link "click here", "schedule" A detailed list of non academic presentations is provided below. To view the academic presentations =link "click here", "researchpapers" %h2 %strong Non Academic Presentations %p=presentations_ordinary