The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-08-02

Last saved by Antony Scott on August 2, 2013

Attendees: Steven, Abi, Addy, Jo, Jeremy, Mark, Matt, Rollo, Claire, Barry, Antony, Ian H, Suchith

Apologies: Ian E, Barend


Outstanding action points from last week

Numbers as of 24/7
 631 (599) delegates inc sponsors = avg 585 per day
445 (420) hotel rooms (nights) across week
1026 (982) uni rooms across week
Icebreaker 114 (110)
Party 65 (63)

>> A few bookings over the last few days, likely to be a rush in the last couple of weeks. Targets for hotel almost met.

Venue stuff

Marquee Update - Jeremy

Security - do we need it?
>> Insurance won't cover. Security guard will be £280 a night. Alternative is to move everything inside every night. Agreed that this is the best option - conference team to cover.

Video link to banqueting suite - 1 way, 2 way, 2 way plus radio mikes?
>> Auditorium is c 500, Banqueting Suite will be needed. Costs awaited. Need to allow questions from both rooms - Steven to resolve kit. Addy and Mark have walkie-talkies - bring these, and add to list of things to bring.

Programme update - Rollo
>> Still changes to programme, will fit into print version where poss, if not will be on website and errata sheet. Free workshops and plenaries to be added shortly (by 9th Aug? Barry). Works on mobile.

Workshop update - Matt, Ian H, Mark I
>> One change of presenter for free workshops. Some discrepancy in workshop numbers. 75 people 8 hours, 91 for 16 hours of workshops. c. 800 workshop hours in hand. Claire to prioritise bookings for Brazil/NZ delegates (Matt to email). Push back OSM-GB? Claire to publicise extra places after this, when she confirms registrations.
>> Presenter and workshop emails to be added to delegate spreadsheet. Claire needs all details to cover 'speak and go' presenters. Presenters in db, Barry to provide. Matt to provide workshop presenters.
>> Inf to presenters page to go on website
>> OpenGeo would like to run OpenLayers 3 workshop? Can we slot in amongst free workshops? May need big room, poss more than 2 hours. Matt to confirm with OpenGeo.

Geohack update - Ian E

Map Gallery - submission date extended to first week of Sept
>> In the 20s

Programme book
Abi & Ant to update
Still to  sync web site with book text - this weekend, promise!
Design - coming along, question re sponsor logos
>> Logos to replace text
Sponsor adverts - not many in, extend deadline.... Steven to re-email?
>> OS to deliver on Wednesday. Steven will mail with final deadline - CoB Wed.

Lanyard - need to get this going next week, discussion to be had on content, can try and do this on basecamp? possible call, then discuss what is possible with Barry H.

Printer - Abi still to update William on printing, now up to 65 pages, needs to be 64 or 68 - some sections could be cut down if we need to....
>> Any amendments here - no guarantees of inclusion
>> University Intro now recd, but a bit long - Jeremy to edit.
>> Link to last version of content doc

Update (JC)
>> Jo had discussion with various people - aim to get order finalised next week, will post details on basecamp
>> Maptember T-shirt - produce and sell for charity. Addy to take up design and ordering from Barry, liaise with Rollo over ordering, contact SOTM and AGI. Agree charity before selling. 21st August is ordering deadline, or earlier (9th Aug) to cover SOTM/AGI.

Updates and issues on all 4 nights please

Progress update (AP)
Update on sessions >> should be OK, though not quite there. LOC could cover if needs be.
What other tasks do we need to fill, quick check
Situation re video folk >> offer to those who want multiple days
>> Let Abi know if there are any more volunteer requirements
>> Call for volunteers on the first morning if required

Plans? Ant & Rollo
>> Jeremy to circulate PR notices from website

Topics for a weekly email to delegates
Week 3:
- Bring your talents for Sat night party
- Go to the dogs plus other ents
- Volunteers
- Map Gallery extended

Topics for a weekly email to sponsors
- Banners for GeoCamp

- ?

Items for next week email update to delegates
TShirts (inc. Maptember designs?)
RobinHood Hat

Next Meeting - 9 August
Matt away 5-9 Aug


Steven Feldman on August 2, 2013:

Very late agenda, apologies

Catch you at 2.00


Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

can you paste in here the contact details - I can never find them on basecamp....

Steven Feldman on August 2, 2013:

Contact details

1. Go to 
2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: met5724foss4g 
4. Click "Join". 

You may have to search for the conference if it doesn't appear - select unlisted meetings from the right hand side menu, enter the meeting number 848 738 248. Then fill in your details and the pw = met5724foss4g and you are in!

Easy peasy really, don't you love webex? But thanks to Ian E and the Met Office for making it available

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: 

To join the audio conference only 
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. 
UK - Toll: +44-20-310-64804 
Global call-in numbers: 

Access code:848 738 248 

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

Go to…

Login with pw met5724foss4g

Then search for an "Unlisted Meeting" with no 848 738 248

Barry Rowlingson on August 2, 2013:

This laptop has no java, java is needed for webex. i'm  going to start installing and i'll try and be with you after four reboots and a deletion of the Ask! toolbar.

Ian Holt on August 2, 2013:

I'm getting "Meeting has been cancelled" from that link.
I'll try again

Jeremy Morley on August 2, 2013:

Ian, follow the instructions to search for the meeting.

Suchith Anand on August 2, 2013:

I cannot find the meeting in Webex (even after searching for Meeting Number: 848 738 248 )

Ian Holt on August 2, 2013:

YAY. Found it. Thanks.

Suchith Anand on August 2, 2013:

Found it

Antony Scott on August 3, 2013:

Just wanted to check because it wasn't on the agenda and I woke up thinking about it... what's happening with banners, signs, flags etc, is someone ordering these? I think we talked about ordering them alongside the AGI ones.

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

Hi Antony,

I've been trying to get some ideas and prices together on the FOSS4G Promo items spreadsheet (the event signage sheet frankly I could do with some input here- so we have an idea how much it's all going to cost.


Antony Scott on August 6, 2013:

Hi Jo, will have a look tonight.

@Claire, what’s the position with the AGI signage – we were talking about doing it at the same time I think?

Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

We need to be clear on where these things are going to go. My number one complaint of the venue is that it's very hard to "brand". My suggestions would be:

  • main doors of EMCC. The Aero Flags would be great here (need to consider how we secure them). What about at Sir Clive Granger building (and other locations? Necessary, or can we manage with more simple signage?) Question: these will be up during GeoCom - is that going to cause confusion if there is no AGI signage?
Inside EMCC:
  • on plenary stage: pop-up banners would be excellent (what do we put on them?). It's a big space, so will 2 be too small/lost on stage? Note: we also have the back screen to project logo onto.
  • Podium stand - space to stick a logo on there?
  • Do presentation rooms need anything? Perhaps the screen-saver is sufficient? Note: we can 'brand' the room video screens in the EMCC - these are at the entrance to each room. We will need to provide a 'graphic' on a USB (plugs directly into each screen)
  • At reception desk? AGI typically have a 'banner' across the front of the reception desk. We're sharing the same desk? Do our registration times over lap at all?
In Marquee
  • Bunting
  • Pop-ups?
  • direction signs (arrows with logo on)
In Orchard Hotel:
  • Welcome screens can be customised - need to provide hotel with appropriate image.

Is that the sort of comment you wanted Jo? This list looks more appropriate for a document rather than a post - is there somewhere I can cut n' paste this to?

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

Hi Rollo,

Stick them in the promo items spreadsheet (event signage sheet) for the moment- with one item per row and a guess at how many we'd need- let's separate this discussion out into a new post in basecamp though!


Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

Added to Google doc. in a new worksheet called 'branding'

Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:

Re signage - thanks Antony and Rollo for remembering. I don't think we should wait for AGI, we need to get our orders in.

I would go for a bit more signage and branding than whatever we think is the minimum e.g. yes to a couple of aeros outside Clive Grainger. 

Just give me the cost to ok before going ahead. I have a £2k budget for signage and branding.

At SotM they auction the banners off at the end of the event, not sure whether that is worth the effort.

Claire Gilmour on August 8, 2013:

I havent though about signage yet.  Can you let me know what you are ordering and from where and I will probably order from the same place for GeoCom.

Antony Scott on August 9, 2013:

Not sure how much of the call I will make this afternoon - Abi also a bit doubtful apparently. In case neither of us are there, for Programme Booklet we are expecting proof back any time (still some LOC pics needed), and we will get the lanyard content together over the weekend.
The venue signage is as per the thread - feedback on the dodgy mockups welcome.