The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

FOSS4G Heros

Last saved by Steven Feldman on November 20, 2013

From here we have 89 badges left (assuming the front desk team can count)
Chris Conway for being a fantastic musician

Jeff McKenna (and possibly the other OSGeo Board members) 8
Arnulf Christl 1

Reps from each local chapter 10

Pietro zambelli - for saving Fridays GeoNetwork workshop by lending his laptop even though he was not attending - MW 1

A representative from each of the 28 OSGeo Projects
Web Mapping
• deegree
• geomajas
• GeoMoose
• GeoServer
• Mapbender
• MapBuilder
• MapFish
• MapGuide Open Source
• MapServer
• OpenLayers
Desktop Applications• GRASS GIS
• Quantum GIS
Geospatial Libraries• FDO
• GeoTools
• PostGIS
Metadata Catalogs• GeoNetwork

• OSGeo Live

Incubating ProjectsWeb Mapping• ZOO-Project
• Team Engine
Desktop Applications• gvSIG
• Opticks
• Marble
Geospatial Libraries• MetaCRS
• rasdaman
Metadata Catalogs• pycsw

Chris Helm for stepping up to fill a gap

Chris Helm

125 E 11th St 

Salida, CO 81201 

Mathew hodgkiss for donating his hackathon wristband to Jo so she could make a full set and stop steven being the only one with all 8! 1

Tamara Colby - helping with workshop set up 1

Stu Lester, cos I asked him to help with moving all the tables in the tent, and by the time I got there he had rounded up a posse and done it 1

26 Norfolk Road



B23 6NA

Chris the centre manager for doing everything we ask him to do 3

Nathan Woodrow? SF

The pledgers

john hewitt of sopragroup - I pledge to create a MapStory of Belfast, but I’d like help to get started!

9a Edenturcher Road Glenavy N. Ireland BT29 4LZ

Ian Turton - I pledge to finish the ecocache project that we started at the geohack. who wants to help? - done

Tuong Thuy - NGI Malaysia - I pledge to fully deploy OSGEO tools in my School education programme

Tuong-Thuy Vu,

School of Geography, University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus

Jalan Broga, Semenyih, Selangor, 43500, Malaysia.

IvanSanchez- I pledge to make everyone in FOSS4G smile. - done

sylvain maillard - I pledge to keep working on software translation

Phil James - Newcastle Uni - gave his laptop when it was clear that no presenter had brought or requested one.  He was chairing session as a volunteer.

Naomi Gale who designed the logo

Understanding Bosses:
ITC -- Prof MJ Kraak, PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Prof P J Diggle, Health and Medicine, Furness College, Lancaster University, Lancaster, Lancs, LA1 4G


Matt Walker on September 18, 2013:


If there is someone that you think deserves a FOSS4G Hero badge then add them to the list with a brief note and your initials. Steven will distribute at the end of the conf.


Steven Feldman on September 23, 2013:

Good morning GeoCampers

Hope you are still buzzing

We have 53 Hero badges left - thoughts?

Jo Cook on September 23, 2013:

Understanding employers

Suchith Anand on September 23, 2013:

I will request few FOSS4G medals for our Education heros

Helena Mitasova (USA)
Luciene Delzari (Brazil)
Serena Coetzee (South Africa)
Sergio Lara (Uruguay)
Charlie Schewick (USA)
Luis Vicens (Spain)
Maria Brovelli (Italy)
Phillip Davis (USA)
Silviana Comboim (Brazil)
KS Rajan (India)
Chris Pettit (Australia)
Phil James (UK)
Jason Sadler (UK)

It will be a fitting tribute to the work done by these excellent people for helping build geospatial education. Thanks.


Barend Köbben on September 23, 2013:

I'd keep them rare: Maybe auction some 20 of on Ebay or similar for MapAction, putting something like a €25 price on them...?

Abi Page on September 23, 2013:

Did everyone on the list actually get one - eg Stu Lester was mentioned but had already left?
I can cross check with volunteers when I am back next week if you like. I don't think this is urgent?

Steven Feldman on September 23, 2013:

Let's do a check before we decide what to do with the remaining badges

Barry Rowlingson on September 24, 2013:

Will from Astun and Jeff Johnson were on an earlier draft of this doc. Is this list now people who haven't physically got their badge yet or have they dropped off?

Steven Feldman on September 24, 2013:

I deleted some of the people at the top once we had given them their badges e.g. Will and Jeff. There are probably a couple more who have received a badge e.g. Ivan who was also recognised for his song.