The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Wrap up tasks

Last saved by Steven Feldman on October 5, 2013

This is a scratch pad to summarise the tasks that need to be done for wrap up and assign people and dates. Once we've agreed on the tasks I suggest we create to do's for each one

Plan would be to have a F2F meeting in London in about a months time to finalise everything including mass wiki editing of cookbook. Anne Ghisla of OSGeo board may join us for that meeting

We need to prepare a set of draft financial accounts for approval by the team
Check there are no outstanding bills to come in (see website comments below- JC)
Check that all invoices to sponsors and delegates have been paid
I have flagged the probability that we would retain some money for the uk chapter, we will need to decide the amount
We may want to consider a donation to the AGI in appreciation of the exceptional work done by Claire and the AGI team (this would be in addition to the contracted 5% of costs fee that was agreed)
Get money to map action for t shirts

Web site

Need to port the web site to some form of archive
AT people have asked that the current site is available for a while in some form until all the AT things have been published. This will incur continuing costs for hosting on the Amazon instance (although less than it was as I've downgraded it to a small instance). (JC)

Need to write up our cookbook with lessons learnt
Links to source code of smart stuff Barry developed for us (unlikely anyone will use, seems reinventing wheels is quite popular)
Expectations on OSGeo board (there's some discussion already on the OSGeo lists- and a separate wiki page about it- JC)
Improvements to RFP process

Feedback surveys
Summarise feedback
Discuss and link to cookbook
Publish summaries?
Share summaries (detail?) with Portland and board

Hero badges
Agree allocation/use of remaining badges
Mail out to awardees

Understanding Bosses:
ITC -- Prof MJ Kraak, PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Prof P J Diggle, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Lancaster University, Lancaster, Lancs, LA1 4YG
Mike Saunt, MD, Astun Technology

What else?


Steven Feldman on October 2, 2013:

I've started a scratchpad to gather together wrap up tasks. I'm sure I have missed stuff so please extend, add detail as you spot gaps

I expect this to be the main topic for discussion at our call on Friday (remember at 15.00 not 14.00) but do add anything else you want to talk about

Ian E will send round a webex link

Jeremy Morley on October 2, 2013:

Thanks Steven. I can make the call between 3 & 4.