The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Wrap up meeting - 20th Nov

Last saved by Claire Gilmour on November 20, 2013


Profit of £113K (surplus of £141.55 per head)

Workshops very profitable due to everything included in package

Contracted payment of 5% of costs for AGI, the AGI team had done a lot more work than had been anticipated.  A voluntary contribution of £7.5K is suggested to compensate.  Agreed.

Donations of £1000 to be split between open source projects that were used during the set up of conference (wordpress/django/OJS/plug ins) – Jo and Barry to decide and let the team know

Claire to check the conversion rate to pay OSGeo (needs to be paid in $)

Daniel needs to check that the tax status is ok to be received – Steven to follow up

We have spent an additional 14.1% on donations, we can spend another .9%, anything above this we need discussions with OSGeo.  OSGeo should receive the surplus and then they can make the decision to donate to further projects. The UK Chapter could request seed funding for future events if needed.

At the beginning the profit from MapAction tshirts were being donated, in the end all proceeds were donated.

Accounts approved.


The sponsors and delegates liked the pre-conference communication. This should be used in the future.

Sponsor Feedback

Sponsors who were looking for new business were disappointed, sponsors who were looking to gain brand awareness were happy.

Sponsors in the atrium were less happy than in the banqueting suite.

The feedback has already been shared with Portland.  The feedback form can be saved as HTML, personal details to be removed and then can be published.  Action Matt

Delegate Feedback
People were not happy with the long walk between the conference and workshops, there could have been longer gaps between sessions to allow time to get to the different buildings.
The marquee did not work as well for the networking as previously thought, however, without the marquee there would not have been enough space for the conference.
The wifi away from the conference centre was not good, it was wise to invest the money into the upgraded wifi
The Icebreaker is usually free and included in the conference package for anyone to attend.
There was time for workshop presenters to prepare their sessions, we should have spent more time communicating with the presenters before the conference.  There was an issue with policing who was going in to the workshop rooms and whether they had paid or not, a volunteer on each door to mark off the name is needed.  We did have a lot of constraints in the free computer labs, we could have provided guidelines on limitations before people submitted their workshops.
The workshops should not have been able to be booked until the programme is set and then delegates can be book on individual workshops.  Call for workshops should be closed in Feb, selected in March and advertised in April.
personal details to be removed and then can be published.  Action Matt
Barry to link the feedback in the website

Support from OSGeo Board
There was not much support from the board for this event, i.e. when workshops were not selected, when presenters wanted to attend for free etc.  More guidance should be provided in the request for proposals, explicitly stating what is and isn't expected. Jo to write a list for the board outlining the issues.

Voice of the conference
There was a lot of 'noise' before and during the event.  This was needed because there had been two years between events and it was needed to create confidence about the event.

Should be written as a single entry rather than everyone's different view points.

Archiving Basecamp
As soon as we have finished with Basecamp then it can be archived/exported - Action Jo and batch export 300 files to SVN once Jeff has confirmed what information is needed.
Barry to put the link to the source code in the wiki

Physical Media
Any banners/aero flags etc will be disposed of

Hero Badges
We need to send the following out:
Stu Lester
Nathan Woodrow
John Hewitt
Tuong Thuy
Sylvain Maillard
Phil James
Naomi Gale (tshirt, laptop rest and £100 Amazon voucher)
Chris Holcroft
Action Claire

The rest of the badges have been split between the LOC attending to hand out to anyone who they feel is a good recipient.


Steven Feldman on November 21, 2013:

We had a massively productive meeting yesterday. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped to get the Reflections wiki updated at

There is still a bit more to do:
  • Registration
  • Program could do with a bit more work
  • Timeline
  • Sponsorship
  • Opening up the Map
Plus it would be great if those of you who couldn't make it could read through the whole document and weave in your own thoughts and additions.

If you have expenses from yesterday please get them to Claire by Monday for a final settle up.

Cheers and big thanks


Jeremy Morley on November 21, 2013:

Right. I think I'm getting a little too absorbed into writing stuff up on the wiki page now. I'm going to try to stand away and do some real work.

I updated the pointer on the conference dev wiki page from the Lessons Learned page (which we could retire?) to the Reflections document.

There's still more to add! :-)

Good to see those who could make it yesterday,

Jeremy Morley on November 21, 2013:

PS: the laptop rest and t-shirt are in the post to Claire

Barry Rowlingson on November 25, 2013:

Matt's hackery has now been uploaded to the site:

If that's all okay it just needs a mention in a page on the site and it'll get linked in and slurped onto the static archive.

Steven Feldman on November 25, 2013:

Wizard stuff @Matt & @Barry

I have stuck a direct link at the top of the About menu.

I've also inserted a page on the top of the News menu which includes all of the blog posts that we have collected within this basecamp. If anyone finds others please add to the basecamp and to the page on the site (or ask me or Jo to add). I've chucked in the link to the surveys again.

One more task ticked off :)