The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

ISPRS Brochures

From: ISPRS SG (
Forwarded by Steven Feldman on July 4, 2013


Suchith Anand on July 4, 2013:

I suggest asking them if they are willing to send a mail to all ISPRS members on FOSS4G 2013 in return for this. If so, it will be good to get more registrations and also helps spread FOSS4G message to another key audience.


Peter Batty on July 4, 2013:

In Denver we had a table near registration where people could leave brochures, magazines, etc. It was mainly intended for people who were at the conference but I don't see why you couldn't do something similar in this case. As Suchith suggested, I think it's reasonable to ask them to spread the word about FOSS4G Nottingham in return.

Jo Cook on July 4, 2013:

I think we definitely want something in return. Personally I think you should only get to give out brochures etc if you sponsor the event in some way. To be honest, the people at the event aren't going to be all that interested IMHO- it's not quite the right crowd

Steven Feldman on July 4, 2013:

shall I reply that our policy is only to allow sponsors to give out marketing materials at the event and point them to the sponsorship page?

Jo Cook on July 8, 2013:

Hi Steven,

Have you replied to these chaps yet? My feeling remains the same but if other people have a strong preference for letting them advertise at the event in return for some PR then I guess I'd be OK with that.


Steven Feldman on July 8, 2013:

Yes I said
In fairness to our generous sponsors we can only allow sponsors to distribute marketing materials at the event. Our smallest sponsorship package is quite modest and includes a fee delegate pass for FOSS4G you can find the details here
Haven't had a response