The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

FOSS4G Sound Track

Forwarded by Steven Feldman on August 18, 2013

If you have time could you listen to

The lady who created this has offered to do something for FOSS4G. It's not my cup of tea but if she put something together that built to a bit more of an upbeat conclusion it might be work as we fill the hall.

We are not going to have a video unless someone miraculously appears (unless you fancy a clip from an ancient black and white silent version of Robin Hood which I think is public domain)

If we want her to do something we need to let her know soonish


> Hi!
> All I have online right now is this one:
> what i can make for you could have a different feeling entirely of course, i'll start thinking about the words you listed below
> and if you want to send any images or anything you have in mind w/the right feeling that could also help
> thx!
> hc
> --------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 7/30/13, Steven Feldman wrote:
> Subject: Re: FOSS4G Sound Track
> To: "Henna Chou"
> Cc:
> Date: Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 4:42 AM
> Not yet Henna
> Will get back to you as soon as we can. Do you
> have any examples of soundtracks that you have created? We
> need something that will give the delegates a bit of a lift
> as they come into the auditorium.
> Thanks for volunteering
> ______
> Steven
> On 22 Jul 2013, at 22:29, Henna Chou
> wrote:
> Hi!
> Do you have some example images of types of shots that will
> be in the video?
> hc
> --------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 7/19/13, Steven Feldman
> wrote:
> Subject: Re: FOSS4G Sound Track
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Friday, July 19, 2013, 11:15 AM
> Hi Henna
> Thanks for volunteering, we really appreciate
> it.
> I am hoping to get a 5-6 minute video made to
> play (on a loop) as the delegates are filling up
> auditorium
> for the opening plenary session. It would be great if you
> could make us a soundtrack for that (I imagine you will
> need
> to know the video length before the final edit).
> Theme wise it needs to be upbeat but not too
> noisy - my first thought had been a segue of various
> tracks
> that had Free or Freedom in their title or chorus line but
> if you have a better idea than please suggest something
> else.
> Ideally I would like to use the same sound track,
> possibly adjusted to a slightly different running length,
> in
> the closing plenary - we are planning to have a big
> animated
> collage of photos taken during the event to run as we
> start
> the closing plenaries and need a sound track for that. of
> course if the mood takes you and you want to make a second
> track for this then that would be even more
> brilliant.
> Thanks one more for stepping up to help us make
> this "the best FOSS4G
> ever"
> _____________________
> Steven Feldman
> _____________________
> KnowWhere Consulting
> m: +44 (0) 7958 924 101
> w: knowwhere
> t: @StevenFeldmanskype:
> stevenfeldman2638
> 17-21 September 2013 in Nottingham
> On 19 Jul 2013, at 16:11, Abigail Page
> wrote:
> Dear Henna,
> Thank you very much for your offer to put together a
> sound track for FOSS4G - I am super pleased since you
> won't even be able to attend! I really enjoyed
> listening
> to some of your sample work.
> We would really appreciate you taking this on. We need
> some tracks to play in plenary sessions and to accompany
> video etc.
> I have copied in Steven Feldman on this email who is
> the conference chair and will be able to provide you with
> more information on exactly what we need.
> We also have some volunteers earmarked for putting
> together some video / a photo montage and a sound
> technician
> who has also volunteered his services. If appropriate
> Steven
> will also link you up with these people if you need to
> coordinate anything.
> Once again, we really appreciate it and thank you for
> coming forward. Please can you let me have a postal
> address
> for you?
> Many thanks, Abi


Matt Walker on August 18, 2013:

That track's kind of abstract, reminds me of one of my favourite films Donnie Darko and hence I quite like it :-).

It certainly seems pretty well produced so even if we don't think that track is suitable we shouldn't rule her offer out. Do we have any points of reference we could give her?

Abi Page on August 18, 2013:

Some more about Henna: - more examples of work on

"Hello! My name is Henna Chou and I am a musician and GIS Analyst in Austin, TX. I cannot attend your event (though I definitely plan to attend next year!!) but I am interested in helping with the soundtrack and would like to find out more detail about what this entails. I feel most likely some instrumental music would be fitting and I know of many tracks of various genres that would be fitting. "

I don't dislike the example you link to for background music, but agree something upbeat. You could show her that example video and ask for something we could put alongside images - but that sounds nice... without the singing...
I think she is looking for some guidance from us and open to suggestions on what we are looking for.

Barry Rowlingson on August 19, 2013:

I thought it was quite depressing :(

Have just spent a few minutes browsing's mostly CC-licensed community audio for something in a major key with a bit of an uplift. Searching for 'fanfare' produces a few things:

or this one, which perhaps has a Robin Hood feel:

 but the performance is a bit ropey.

 works a bit.

I suppose what we are really after is an overture... search for that...

 oh yeah. Now there's an entrance. Even has the applause at the end.

Or there's a bunch of CC-licensed Nine Inch Nails tracks if we want to attract the goth market:

Abi Page on August 19, 2013:

Barry - are you suggesting then you could source something, or that you want these sent onto Henna for some guidance? If you want to liaise with her then I can send you her details.

Barry Rowlingson on August 19, 2013:

I thought I'd throw a few more ideas out and see if people thought they were usable. The first piece Steven referenced really didn't seem in the right vein, and I know it can take a few iterations to get a piece right when working with a composer - so do we have time?

Although it would be nice to have a piece composed specially, or to use an existing piece of creative-commons licensed music, we can use anything. However Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man or Prokofiev's Dance of The Knights might be a bit cliche...

Steven Feldman on August 28, 2013:

Cliched is fine with me and anything that makes life simpler by plucking stuff off the shelf is a good idea.

If the EMCC has a PRS license can't we just about use anything?

Barry Rowlingson on August 28, 2013:

I started throwing 'free' songs into a playlist on YouTube:

Abi Page on August 28, 2013:

Apologies, I had an action to contact Henna following the meeting on Friday that I had forgotten about.
I can share this link with her, I think she was interested in helping with selection of existing tracks too so I wouldn't worry about time for composition... At least it will be an extra person sifting through stuff when LOC have a lot of other tasks on and if we don't like what she comes up with then we can opt not to use them.

Abi Page on September 4, 2013:

"Hi! just to let you know, i am working diligently on this.

Still researching some leads on stuff related to the examples you sent, but also
i think this instrumental may be useful in your purposes somewhere.

more soon,

-Henna "

Ok for general background auditorium when people are milling about?