I'm forwarding this mail to Basecamp in case not everyone is following the OSGeo lists.

Some good suggestions, if we want to implement we would need to update the forms pretty quickly


Begin forwarded message:

From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Foss4g2013] [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2013 Call for Presentations and Workshops now open.
Date: 8 February 2013 20:22:26 GMT
To: Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson@lancaster.ac.uk>, foss4g2013@lists.osgeo.org

Congratulations on your putting out your call for presentations and workshops.

I'd like to suggest a few things for your questionnaire, which we had done when running foss4g 2009.

After foss4g 2009, we retrospectively tried to chase all presenters to see if they would give permission to publish their presentations on the website. It was hard word.
I wish we had a question during the call for presenters along the lines of:

1. May we publish your slides and any related material on our foss4g website after the event?
2. Would you like to attribute to a CC licence? Which one: CC-By, CC-By-SA, ... other: __

Another suggestion which might clash with prior discussions about blind voting. One thing which we have been developing to encourage conferences to find local OSGeo speakers is the "OSGeo Advocate" page.

One way to help keep this Advocate page updated is to request speaker profiles using the same format as the Advocate page, offering that speakers either reference the Advocate page, or update the Advocate page at the same time as they submit presentations.

On 09/02/13 03:17, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
Hi All,

 The submission system for presentations and workshops is now live,
and links are available from here:


 Note that all we need for these is a summary and a few small details
- there's no requirement for a paper at all.

Please recirculate this announcement on other appropriate mailing
lists that you might belong to. If you don't give us enough to do for
our presentation selection meeting in April, we'll just be in the pub
all the time.

Discuss mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

From: Peter Batty <peter@ebatty.com>
Subject: Re: [Foss4g2013] [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2013 Call for Presentations and Workshops now open.
Date: 11 February 2013 15:47:53 GMT
To: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
Cc: foss4g2013@lists.osgeo.org, Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson@lancaster.ac.uk>

Cameron, good suggestion. In Denver we made it a requirement of submitting a paper that you agreed that the presentation could be published by OSGeo, and I think this is a reasonable thing to do. I'm not too inclined to let people choose their own license, that seems to me to add a lot of administrative overhead. Just have one set of terms for everyone.
