They are asking for a £25k contribution to the cost of putting in a 400MB Internet pipe. That is not an option for us

I spoke to lasse yesterday and said I would get back to him with a proposal. How much would we be willing to contribute? 5k? A bit more? Nothing?

Can we live with 100mb which is available at no extra cost?

Apologies but need to rush you to give me thoughts


Steven Feldman
07958 924 101

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lasse Hogberg" <>
Date: 19 March 2013 11:53:24 GMT
To: "Steven Feldman" <>
Subject: RE: Booking Agreement - FOSS4G



Dear Steven,


As discussed the following options:


Current bandwidth 50Mbp

Increase to 100 Mbp – no cost

In order to increase the beyond 100 Mbp we will be installing high density access points to enable the potential 800 uers at our expense

The cost for the bandwidth is £59k and I require a £25k contribution for this in order to agree with your clause in the contract.


Look forward to hearing form you



With the kindest of regards,






Lasse Högberg| General Manager

De Vere Venues East Midlands Conference Centre & Orchard Hotel

Part of the De Vere Group

T: 0115 876 0853 | M: 07825191190 |E:

De Vere Venues East Midland Conference Centre, University Park, The University of Nottingham,

Nottinghamshire NG7 2RJ

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From: Steven Feldman []
Sent: 18 March 2013 12:40
To: Shelley Garden
Cc: Jeremy Morley; Claire Gilmour (was Huppertz); Lasse Hogberg
Subject: Re: Booking Agreement - FOSS4G


Thanks Shelley


Please try to get the final contract out to us tomorrow. I am due to be away from the middle of next week for 3 weeks and do not want to leave this issue unresolved for that long.






Steven Feldman

KnowWhere Consulting

m: +44 (0) 7958 924 101

w:  knowwhere
t:   @StevenFeldman

skype: stevenfeldman2638


On 18 Mar 2013, at 11:45, "Shelley Garden" <> wrote:

Hi Jeremy


Just to update you our General Manager has a conference call this afternoon in respect of the wi-fi upgrade and the costs that are involved so I am unable to issue booking agreement today but hope to have this to you by tomorrow.


Kind regards


Shelley Garden| Sales Manager

De Vere Venues East Midlands Conference Centre & Orchard Hotel

Part of the De Vere Group–Working in partnership with The University of Nottingham

T: 0844 346 1216 |W:|E:

East Midlands Conference Centre, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RJ

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The De Vere Group is a trading name of De Vere Group Limited and any or all of its divisions and trading subsidiaries (hereinafter the “Group”), details of which can be accessed via De Vere Group Limited is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales with registered number 06798902. The registered office is at 17 Portland Place, London, W1B 1PU

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