I have copied this into Basecamp so that others will see the selection and can comment if they wish.

Thanks for getting the selection done. 
So we have:
PostGIS = 2
QGIS = 3
GeoServer = 2
OSM stuff = 3
PGRouting = 2
Geonode = 2
GeoGIT =1
ZOO = 1
CartoDB = 1
Deegree = 1
Others = 2
(there is some double counting in this)

  • Do you have a plan that covers scheduling of rooms yet? 
  • Are we running 1 or 2 days of workshops? If 2 Claire needs to update the registration system and mail anyone who has registered. Someone will need to update the relevant page on the web site as well.
  • Do you have a list with email addresses? Can one of you send the acceptance and rejection mails? I can provide the draft text that we see for the paper submissions.
  • How are we going to get the workshops program onto the web site? Could be a simple page. Maybe best to have the scheduling sorted before we post


On 1 May 2013, at 01:15, Ian Holt (Google) <imcaufieldholt@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Steven,
Here is the list of selected workshops:

  1. - Paul Ramsey - Intro to PostGIS
  2. - Paolo Cavallini - Quantum GIS in action
  3. - Sam Smith - A complete open source web mapping stack (Introduction to the OpenGeo Suite)
  4. - Kate Chapman - Impact Modelling with OpenStreetMap and InaSAFE
  5. - Amir Pourabdollah - OSM-GB Services and Data Workshop    
  6. - Ian Edwards - Analysis and Visualisation of "Big Data"
  7. - Andrea Aime - OGC services with GeoServer: from journeyman to master
  8. - Gérald Fenoy - ZOO-Project play with building blocks to build pgRouting web application
  9. - Dr. Horst Düster - QGIS Plugin Developement with PyQt4 and PyQGIS
  10. - Javier de la Torre - Using CartoDB to map real-time data
  11. - Krisztian Olle - Introduction to Mobile Web Development Using FOSS4G
  12. - Paul Naylor - QGIS, OpenData & Cartographic Design; Create a Robin Hood tourist map of Nottingham
  13. - Ian Schneider - GeoNode, A complete SDI
  14. - Olivier Courtin & Hugo Mercier - PostGIS 3D Workshop
  15. - Mario Basa - FOSS4G routing with pgRouting, OpenStreetMap road data and OpenLayers 3
  16. - Jeffrey Johnson - GeoNode Developers Workshop
  17. - David Winslow - Managing Versioned Data with GeoGit
  18. - Markus Schneider - deegree: Setting up interoperable INSPIRE Download Services in 3 hours

What are the next steps in terms of notification and programme building?