---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matt Walker <mattwalker@astuntechnology.com>
Date: 15 May 2013 15:02
Subject: Re: Workshop acceptance
To: Ian Holt <imcaufieldholt@gmail.com>
Cc: Mark Iliffe <markiliffe@gmail.com>

Hi Ian,

Instead of sending over a list of users you emailed to say they had been accepted could you add a column to the workshop sheet of FOSS4G Paper Selection Final version to indicate if a mail has been sent that way we've got everything in one place. If you're then happy that all accepted workshops have received confirmation could you then mail out to those that where not accepted the following:

"FOSS4G 2013 Workshop Selection

While your workshop did not get selected by the LOC, we're pleased to say that we have been able to arrange for some additional capacity and plan to run at least a day of workshops in parallel with the main conference. We would like to offer the community a chance to vote for the additional workshops, if you do not wish for your workshop to be included, please contact us before Monday 20th May."



On 14 May 2013 22:40, Matt Walker <mattwalker@astuntechnology.com> wrote:
Hi Ian,

Can you please send over a list of those that you sent acceptance mails to.

I've just been comparing the names in FOSS4G Workshops Planning vs FOSS4G Paper Selection Final version and it looks like Paolo Cavallini is shown as accepted in FOSS4G Paper Selection Final version and is on the website but not in a slot in the FOSS4G Workshops Planning sheet.

The FOSS4G Paper Selection Final version sheet was also missing more than 20 workshops in foss4gworkshopsto2apr that didn't make the selection so I've added them to the list in preparation for a community vote as suggested on Basecamp.



On 14 May 2013 11:38, Ian Holt <imcaufieldholt@gmail.com> wrote:
Cool. Just saw the Basecamp posting. I think that will get us out of tepid water ;-). Good idea!

Sent from my iPhone

On 14 May 2013, at 11:35, Matt Walker <mattwalker@astuntechnology.com> wrote:

Hi Ian,

That's great. I've just posted the following to the Basecamp after a chat with Steven: https://basecamp.com/1920286/projects/762306-foss4g-13/messages/11370927-workshop-selection so I'd hold off for a day or so until we know what we're doing.



On 14 May 2013 01:09, Ian Holt (Google) <imcaufieldholt@gmail.com> wrote:
All been sent out, though I guess most people know.
Haven't sent out the rejections.... is there some talk of allowing a few more in?

Matt Walker
e.  mattwalker@astuntechnology.com
m. 07825 814255
t. @_walkermatt

Astun Technology

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Matt Walker
e.  mattwalker@astuntechnology.com
m. 07825 814255
t. @_walkermatt

Astun Technology

FOSS4G 17-21 September 2013 in Nottingham