I had a mail from Andrew Ross saying that Eclipse LocationTech want to confirm sponsorship and video services for FOSS4G.

This is what I proposed previously after several discussions with Andrew and some of you. 

It doesn't net us much income after we meet the delegate fees for the video techs etc but it does provide video recording of all of the presentations which previously some felt was important.

Are we happy to proceed on this basis? 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steven Feldman <steven@knowwhereconsulting.co.uk>
Subject: FOSS4G Sponsorship
Date: 16 January 2013 17:45:14 GMT
To: Andrew Ross <andrew.ross@eclipse.org>
Cc: Jo Cook <jocook@astuntechnology.com>, Jeremy Morley <Jeremy.Morley@nottingham.ac.uk>, Peter Batty <peter@ebatty.com>


I am very pleased to confirm our agreement for Eclipse Location Tech to sponsor FOSS4G 2013

Sponsorship Level: Gold (without Exhibition stand)
Delegates: Up to 4
Fee: £5,000 + UK sales tax of 20% if invoiced to a North American company (we can avoid invoicing this tax if you purchase through an EU subsidiary)

Additionally Eclipse will 
  • fund the delivery of a video recording service for up to 7 conference streams plus the plenaries (approx 250 x 30 minute recordings)
  • place joint branding along the lines of the sample that you sent to us with the FOSS4G logo as the primary brand
  • upload videos to youtube with metadata
  • fund travel and accommodation for video technicians
  • Provide video equipment and software
  • Manage the logistics of the recordings

FOSS4G will
  • provide delegate places for up to 9 video technician volunteers
  • provide metadata collected in the paper submission process to form basis of metadata for uploads

The videos will be available for FOSS4G, OSGeo, Eclipse, presenters and anyone else interested to link to, embed or use in anyway permitted by youtube

I think that covers everything that we discussed, I look forward to hearing from you after you have discussed with your CFO.

In anticipation of everything being agreed I want to welcome you as a sponsor of FOSS4G and thank you for your contribution. Can you send a version of your logo and some organisational text to Jo Cook (the guidelines are at http://2013.foss4g.org/sponsorship-opportunities/logo-guidelines/). 

Jo can you send Andrew an SVG version of the FOSS4G logo so he can produce a final draft of the introduction screen for the videos.

Best regards


Steven Feldman

KnowWhere Consulting

m: +44 (0) 7958 924 101

w:  knowwhere
t:   @StevenFeldman
skype: stevenfeldman2638