The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Letters of Invitation

Posted by Mark Iliffe on April 6, 2013

In the forwarded emails I've received a question regarding letters of invitation to the conference. Where do we stand on this?


Barry Rowlingson on April 6, 2013:

From people you know and trust? Then its probably to help them get a visa. From people you don't know? Then its possibly to help them get a visa, get into the UK, then disappear.
Most conferences I know don't issue letters of invitation, except perhaps to keynote speakers who are actually invited.

Steven Feldman on April 6, 2013:

I agree re visas but would not want to exclude a genuine FOSSer who needs some help. Ideas?

Mark Iliffe on April 6, 2013:

I'd agree with that, Barry. Just wanted to raise it. I'll let it lie unless
others have any thoughts.

Claire Gilmour on April 8, 2013:

For GeoCom, if the delegate books and pays for the conference I would send out an invitation letter.  I have attached the letter I would use for FOSS4G.