The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Finishing off the programme

Posted by Steven Feldman on April 30, 2013

OK, we have the 173 papers selected, notified and about to be published. We are getting close to having a programme.
  1. We still need to get it streamed and timetabled. When can the programme group get that done?
  2. We are still waiting for the final plan on workshops. We need to notify, timetable and maybe add to Barry's brilliant web page.
  3. We are still waiting for the final plan on the academic track. We need to notify, timetable and maybe add to Barry's brilliant web page.
  4. I asked Gary Gale if he would coordinate an unconference session (or two) in the afternoon slot wjhere we also have some plenary activity. We need to decide if we are doing that and slot into the programme timetable (could be patched in later)
  5. Can we launch the Call for Maps?
  6. Anything else?


Rollo Home on May 1, 2013:

I'll call you now to discuss....

Barend Köbben on May 1, 2013:

I have a final Skype with F-J today at 15:00 to finalise the AT track. Will proclaim the results after that...

Steven Feldman on May 1, 2013:

Will you handle the notifications?

Can you provide a doc listing the selected speakers for inclusion in the program system (preferably a google spreadsheet or an excel)

Barend Köbben on May 1, 2013:

Yes, notifications will be generated by/from the OJS system. FJ is fiddling with that a bit still, notifications will go out this evening/tomorrow morning. In the end we have 18 papers that need a presentation slot. Only 4-5 are deemed good enough for inclusion in TGIS. That last number is a bit disappointing, but we need to be careful with the quality, we don't want to be too lenient, otherwise TGIS might not consider us for upcoming editions...

After the notifications have gone out I'll provide the doc with names and titles (and Tags from Barry's list).

Barend Köbben on May 1, 2013:

Steven, Barry,

find attached the spreadsheet with the 19 selected papers for the AT. I tried to make it a Google SS, but couldn't figure out how to share it with the whole LOC. I have included Authors, Title and Abstracts and have added Tags using the keywords used in Barry's webpage. I guess to all we should add the existing tag "Science", or alternatively the new one "Academic Track" to make them selectable as such...?
BTW, all authors have by been informed of their succes/failure by FJ and myself.

Franz-Josef Behr on May 1, 2013:

Thanks for preparing and uploading this file!

Steven Feldman on May 1, 2013:

I have created a "final" version of the google doc at shared with you all

I have removed all of the individual tabs but kept the summary of the voting. The Academic Track has been added as a tab as well.

Steven Feldman on May 1, 2013:

Workshops tab now added but needs Ian H to review the accepted list as there are more yes's than in his mail

Barry Rowlingson on May 1, 2013:

Row 170 of the Program Final sheet on that google doc has got a bit messed up. Looks like everything from the name column has been shifted by one.

Someone fix?

Barend Köbben on May 2, 2013:


Any specific reason why you have in the Academic Track tab the same 19 rows repeated 5 times (anything to do with the tagging), or just a plain pasting error...?

Steven Feldman on May 2, 2013:

@Barry - Row 170 cleaned up

@Barend - Pasting error now corrected

Can someone scan to see if there are any other spreadsheeting errors

Franz-Josef Behr on May 2, 2013:

Can we integrate one paper regarding Extending PostGIS for Moving objects into a general session which deals with PostGreSQL potics? I remember there quite a few topics submitted... The author agreed to be moved from AT to another track.

Barry Rowlingson on May 2, 2013:

Other spreadsheeting errors? Including row 171 having mostly empty fields, two of them having comments in the 'Steven ID' field and one having a blank Steven ID.

Its pointless me trying to generate the provisional programme page when the spreadsheet is being changed so much until I can automate getting the spreadsheet data straight out of google docs. And that means I will notice tiny problems with the spreadsheet. You have to either be strict with what you put in a spreadsheet or accept that you don't actually have something called 'data', and hence it can't be manipulated. Discuss.

I'm not sure how to integrate the AT talks into the provo page since they only have quite long abstracts. Maybe those abstracts will get truncated at 100 words in the index page with a ... and interested parties can click the more... button.

Anyway, more coding required. Luckily MSc marking is done.

Steven Feldman on May 2, 2013:

Row 171 is a marker for a paper to be merged with one of the others and could be ignored
The one with the blank steven ID is the late submission from leaflet, I have given that an ID of 501
One of the records with a comment in the steven id was a merged paper, I have given that the id 502

I can't do any more on this now, can we go with it as is and review in a few days time? I think it would be great to publish the PROVISIONAL program before the weekend if we can

Barry Rowlingson on May 2, 2013:

Yeah, I'm trying to do that too but the goalposts keep moving :)

Nearly there now.

Steven Feldman on May 2, 2013:

I promise not to move anything (well not knowingly)

Barry Rowlingson on May 2, 2013:

Okay, its down to 169 presentations because the last one doesn't go in because it currently doesn't have a title that matches anything in the only table I have that has the fuil abstracts and titles.

Will integrate the academic track stuff later. Fooood.

Barry Rowlingson on May 2, 2013:

Haven't got the AT talks in yet.

But have also written a script to format the workshop sessions:

can someone check that it correctly selects the right ones from the spreadsheet.

couple of things still to do on that though.

Steven Feldman on May 3, 2013:

@Barry - Thanks for yet more brilliant work. Workshops look great and nicely match the Presentations without the toggling.

@IanH @Mark @Matt can you confirm that the mails have gone to the workshop presenters and rejections?

I would like to get the presentations and workshops live as soon as possible this morning so that we can announce the provisional programme:
  • Twitter feeds - all
  • Mail Lists - Jo (Barry deserves a bit of a rest), perhaps Suchith for the academic ones
  • Press Releases - Antony or Rollo
  • Sponsors with request to broadcast to their customers - Steven
  • Target list of potential sponsors who have not signed up yet - Steven
  • Other ideas - all
All the announcements should encourage people to take advantage of the Early Bird discounts which run out on 31st May

Can everyone try to get this done before our call at 2pm

Getting excited yet? You should be!

Suchith Anand on May 3, 2013:

Hi all,

Excellent work Barry and many thanks.

As i wont be able to attend today teleconference, some updates 

We had the ICA-OSGeo Labs telemeeting yesterday and there is huge buzz and excitement on FOSS4G 2013. We have a slot for FOSS4G-NA (Charlie Schewick wll be presenting) and i will request him to add slides on FOSS4G 2013 to promote us there. 

Academic bursaries - This is now ready to go thanks to Addy's efforts. Once Addy makes the Academic bursaries survey monkey ready and weblink public, we will start promoting it all key academic lists.

Once Conference program, Workshop program ready, i will send to all key academic lists

Any actions from today's meeting for me please let me know and i will do that.


Barry Rowlingson on May 3, 2013:

Presentations page now has academic track, is sorted by title, has a link to the workshops page.
Workshop page done too.

Currently in the provisional location on the server. I wanted to get this done by 11am coffee break and it is. Will move to a live location after at least one espresso.

Steven Feldman on May 3, 2013:

That must have been a massive espresso!

Ian Holt on May 3, 2013:

Looks Good. Workshop list has a duplicate:
Advanced spatial data analysis with GRASS GIS 7
Sorry if I've missed something, but there are 30 workshops listed, are some of these been converted into tutorials and/or more rooms/days, shorter sessions.

Steven Feldman on May 3, 2013:

I have taken the liberty of tweaking the web site pages for Presentations, Workshops and Academic Track to insert a big link to the programme page

Steven Feldman on May 3, 2013:

I think Ian Edwards workshop may be missing from our workshops page

Steven Feldman on May 3, 2013:

My mistake :-(