The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Count down.......101......

Posted by Addy Pope on June 7, 2013

Tomorrow is 100 days to FOSS4G. Should we have a countdown widget on the home page?


Jo Cook on June 7, 2013:

We already have a timer that runs in months and days- that could be switched to just days if people think that would be good- I think so :-)

Steven Feldman on June 7, 2013:


Jeremy Morley on June 7, 2013:


Barry Rowlingson on June 7, 2013:

If the existing widget can be changed to show days, great, lets do that.

Also... PANIC!!!!!!!

Barry Rowlingson on June 8, 2013:

After accidentally locking myself out of the site thanks to my serious security procedures, I've changed the widget to count down the days!

Jeremy Morley on June 8, 2013:

Cool. I've tweeted about it!

Steven Feldman on June 8, 2013:

I'm getting excited and scared

Steven Feldman on June 8, 2013:

Can the countdown be a bit bolder?

Barry Rowlingson on June 9, 2013:

Never mind that - it currently says "Conference starts in IN 99 days"! Two 'IN's!

Will try and fix this and embiggen things a bit tomorrow. Just needs some CSS.

Jo Cook on June 10, 2013:

I've deleted the first IN for the moment, just to keep things tidy, but yes, some embiggening would be nice

Barry Rowlingson on June 10, 2013:

Countdown time is now longer and bolder and greener.

Steven Feldman on June 10, 2013:

Oh yes it is and I have a big green smile

Jo Cook on June 10, 2013:

Can I be terribly terribly picky and point out that the two greens are slightly different? (Sorry, I'll leave the room now)

The heading is #057937 whereas the text is #008000

Steven Feldman on June 10, 2013:

Brave woman !

Barry Rowlingson on June 11, 2013:

That's that fixed!  I was also considering taking out the "Get Ready!" heading in the widget on the home page (see any sub-page for how this looks without a header).