The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Logistics (especially Hackathon)

Posted by Jeremy Morley on June 27, 2013

Dear all, (have I got the dist list right - I've copied in Shelley by email?),

I was on a call yesterday with Ian and his team from the Met Office re Hackathon event in the marquee on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference. A number of issues came up to discuss.

1. Claire, (and I suspect Ian will be in contact about this in parallel), could we see the details of what's been booked from Field and Lawn please for the marquee, particularly in terms of the power supplies, heating and lighting? We also need to consider the step-free access at the side of the marquee from the EMCC (is it too late for this entrance to be covered too?). Perhaps some or all of the agreement with F&L, and the marquee floor plan, could go on Basecamp? (Apologies if it's there and I've just not found it).

2. What's the sequence of events going to be around F&L putting up the marquee and making the power connections; and then De Vere's Internet support team coming in to set up Wifi access points? We essentially need to be ready to run in the marquee by 10 on the Tuesday. However the Met Office would strongly prefer a handover from DeV on Monday (as early as possible) in order to test that the network access all works. This is quite important to arrange, I think.

3. What's the means of registration & logging on to the DeV network? Will this be any different at our event?

4. There are 3 groups of people on Tuesday and Wednesday to account for:
- AGI GeoCom delegates
- FOSS4G workshop delegates
- Hackathon delegates
We need to think about how each group is catered for, whether it's together at all (having the workshop delegates come into the marquee for lunch is a trek for them, but would also be potentially disruptive to the hackathon). We will, I suspect, seriously need to consider wrist bands or similar for Tuesday and Wednesday. We could cater for the FOSS4G workshop guys in the Sir Clive Granger, near 2-3 of the venues.

Ian will also be coming to the logistics day on the 5th. For reference, I've attached Ian's questions relating to the hackathon. Many of these would be relevant to consider on the 5th. Should I kick-off the agenda for the 5th?

What's our timing for the 5th? 10:30 till 4?



Claire Gilmour on June 27, 2013:

Mark - have you updated the marquee layout with the power/lighting etc?