The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Electrics in the GeoCamp

Posted by Steven Feldman on July 10, 2013

We need to sort out the electrics in the GeoCamp pronto!

There are 2 parts to this:
  1. Where would we like the sockets to be placed, how many etc. This includes power for the stage (which reminds me that we need to order the stage and PA from Field and Lawn @Jeremy @Claire). We have been quoted for 16 double sockets, if we want more they will charge us extra (ca £25/40) so let's not just add in sockets for the sake of it (wherever we position the sockets we will need some trailing leads, @Mark or @Claire could you purchase say 10 or 15 as we will be bound to need them all over the place)
  2. We are waiting for EMCC to confirm how much power is available on their external supply to the GeoCamp. That will limit the number of sockets we can install possibly over-riding 1 above. @Jeremy can you chase Shelley up for this info
  3. Third thing (yes I know I can't count) - Lighting. F&L have quoted for 4 semi spherical HMI lights. I don't have  a clue what these are, whether they are sufficient or suitable for the evening activities. Could someone pick this up and check it out?


Abi Page on July 10, 2013:

Steven, I have had a sound / lighting technician volunteer - We could get their advice now on this as I also think they would probably be a big help looking at the electrical set up?

Jeremy Morley on July 10, 2013:

Shelley and I have to confirm dates but I already have a task to meet with Field & Lawn which is the first step. Could bring in the volunteer but this would be on site.

(PS: back from Girona so I'll backtrack the email torrent since Friday!)