The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Conference Workshop List

Posted by Matt Walker on July 20, 2013

Hi Guys,

Following a thread on the discuss list and a prompt from Barry I've asked Jeff McKenna to add me as an admin of the Conference Workshop List (

I'd suggest we start using the list to communicate with presenters. I'll send a mail to all presenters to ask them to sign up to the list and informing them that we will use it for workshop related information for here on in.




Steven Feldman on July 22, 2013:

@Barry @Matt

Is it possible to find out how many people we will have each day for workshops? I need to give numbers for lunch bags.

Barry Rowlingson on July 22, 2013:

Who gets lunch? Anyone on a workshop at any time during that day? I can probably spin up a report for that.

Barry Rowlingson on July 22, 2013:

Here's my registration desk report (django login required):

115 different people on day 1, 153 different people on day 2 (many of whom where on day 1).

That report page is designed for the registration desk people to have and maybe tick off people as they arrive for workshops if that's needed at registration - comments?

Matt Walker on July 22, 2013:

Thanks Barry.

I think we decided at the last meeting that if you attend a workshop during the day you get lunch.

The report looks good for use on the registration desk. We probably also need a list per workshop of attendees that can be used to check off attendees as they arrive at the room similar to the entries under Booking › Workshops.

Barry Rowlingson on July 22, 2013:

What, like this one:

i'm not sure if the print stylesheet has pagebreaks in the right place though..

Matt Walker on July 22, 2013:

Yeah, just like that one but can we have it with more <blink>?

I'm just reconciling the the spreadsheet and the website, I don't think I've broken anything yet :-)

Matt Walker on July 22, 2013:


I guess we also need to allow for lunch for presenters, co-presenters and helpers which I'd estimate between 20 and 25 per day.



Steven Feldman on July 23, 2013:

Can you do the sums for workshop numbers each day and add in the presenters and give me a total

Matt Walker on July 23, 2013:

Sept. 17: 150 (115 booked + 10 unbooked + 25 presenters & helpers)

Sept. 18: 190 (153 booked + 10 unbooked + 25 presenters & helpers)

Unbooked are those individuals who have only spent a small number of their credits.

Steven Feldman on July 23, 2013:
