The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Goodies discussion

Posted by Jo Cook on July 29, 2013

Dear All,

I'd like to have a skype discussion to nail down some of the specifics around goodies, like wrist bands etc. The discussion is open to anyone who'd like to get involved (as long as we reach a consensus, as I'd like to get the goodies ordered fairly soon)- is 2pm on Wednesday OK for people?



Steven Feldman on July 29, 2013:

You will have to start without me, I have a meeting that should finish about 1.30-2.00ish and I will get to a skyping point as fast as  I can.

Barry Rowlingson on July 29, 2013:

Am teaching on Wednesday (another epic all-dayer on R for ecologists).

Activity this week and next week will be patchy, am running away from work to a hotel to get some writing done so I don't have to bother with cooking, cleaning and laundry. I say hotel, its my mum and dad's bungalow. They have broadband so I shall try and get on the calls, I think I've got my web site dev system cloned to my laptop so I can work on the web site stuff. But I'll probably find I've forgotten all my passwords.

Rollo Home on July 29, 2013:

should be OK for that.

Rollo Home on July 29, 2013:

@Barry - writing? a novel?

Jo Cook on July 30, 2013:

Hi Barry,

Have you got any comments about the goodies that you'd like to be taken into account on Wednesday? Feel free to pitch in beforehand :-)


Antony Scott on July 30, 2013:

I should be OK for the goodies call btw...

Abi Page on July 30, 2013:

I will try and make it, need to highlight volunteer tat / gifts - but not sure if I will last the whole call.

Still trying to rationalise the volunteers, will try and get a bit further tonight.....

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

Anyone intending to be on the goodies call this afternoon- can you make sure that I have your skype username? I think I have most people already but just in case...

Mine is archaeogeek :-)

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

Who's about then?

Abi Page on July 31, 2013:

Hi Jo, I sent you a contact request (abipage)

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

Abi are you signed in? I can't seem to call you

Antony Scott on July 31, 2013:

I am here too...

Abi Page on July 31, 2013:

Yes  - I can see that Ant is online & Barry... but it says you haven't accepted my request

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

I did, honest! I can see you but it says you're off line

Rollo Home on July 31, 2013:

Hello! I'm now on line. Can you add me?

Abi Page on July 31, 2013:

oh, I can see everyone else :( otherwise I would blame the office IT...

Rollo Home on July 31, 2013:

jo appears to be off-line to me as well...

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

Can you send me another contact request- I can't even see you if I search now (shrugs)- and I'll quit and come back online

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

OK better, now I just need Rollo to accept me as a contact as I can't see him, but otherwise we're almost there :-)

Jo Cook on July 31, 2013:

Rollo, we can't seem to add you to the call

Rollo Home on July 31, 2013:

hmm... I can see a call with Ant, Abi and Jo...but I can't see how to join. Perhaps you should progress without me....

Abi Page on August 1, 2013:

Following up from yesterday for volunteers -

It is taking me longer to process all the offers than I anticipated, but I am working through them. In total we have 48 volunteer sign ups as of this morning and still a lot of time to fill. We are going to have the following types of volunteers:

  • Paying delegates who have offered a couple of hours (volunteer Tshirt in ADDITION to conference pack?)
  • Paying delegates who have offered more than a couple of hours (anything between 3 and 5 at the moment) (as above?)
  • Student Bursary people (t shirt in addition to conference pack?)
  • Volunteer Day Pass people (volunteer t shirt INSTEAD of regular t shirt? still get conference pack?)

All above assigned to a task by 9 Aug in programme book.

  • Video volunteers (?) - not sure what is happening with the people yet, need to discuss with Steven

On the volunteer text that was agreed to send out by email & web it currently says:

"For delegates already attending the event, we have a number of limited-edition special gifts to thank you for your time. For those volunteering in the coming weeks, you will also be acknowledged in the conference programme."

So depending on what is happening with freebies, we will need to update this to be clearer.....maybe?>

I have no strong feelings on what we do about give aways, but just want to make sure we clarify any text...... if we can "trade people up" from 2 hours to 3/4 hours volunteering it will probably also make a difference (both in covering the programme and less # volunteers improves logistics and lowers t shirt costs?) and I am working on this though email pleas just now....

I will get T Shirt sizes from those that I assign tasks to and hopefully reduce the need to order a complete size mix.

Steven Feldman on August 1, 2013:

Maybe we want something extra for the people who are registered and offer more than 2 hours. Jeff McKenna talks about FOSS4G Heroes - how about ordering 50 or so enamel badges for the special volunteers and some others that we will want to thank in one way or another?

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

Make it 3 or 4hrs - we need a lot more cover than we've currently got from the 40+ volunteers.

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

Hi All,

I've just found this as a folder/clipboard/laptop rest- what do people think?


Antony Scott on August 6, 2013:

I like that, nice and simple, though it’s a bit hard to tell what it would be like. How would it logo-ise do you think? Suppose we’d need the black.

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

I was thinking of asking if we could have a logo on the front and the back- with the back image being the "instructions" for use as a laptop rest. The front logo(s) would be the FOSS4G logo and the platinum sponsors.

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

I've spoken to gopromotional and had a quote for a 3 colour logo on the front (eg FOSS4G logo in 3 colours, platinum sponsors in a single colour) and a single colour logo on the back. It would be more expensive (7.89 per unit for 800 cf 4.57 for single colour prints to front and back)- but it does include the pad so we can knock 1.76 off that.


Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:

Wow they are getting expensive now. At those prices we could go for the classic A5 notebook like these

Woops apologies for taking you off track. Ignore me

Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

This is more of what I was thinking....plain and simple (and with a sleeve for the DVD and GeoConnexion copy that we're 'offering' to all delegates - at least we're going to receive 500 copies, and need to do something with them).

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

Urm last time we discussed this I had a link to some exactly like that and got told they were too old-fashioned, which is why I went looking for alternatives! My latest example isn't too bad if we go for one colour on the front as it includes the cost of a pad. Quite frankly guys, we need to make a decision soon and stick with it rather than coming up with yet more options...

Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:

Go with what you've got.

My vote would be for all white logos on black folder.

As for 500 copies of GeoConnexion, I could make several suggestions as to what to do with them but in the interest of politeness I will restrict myself to saying that we should put them in a pile near registration with a sign saying "Do take a free copy". There is no way that we want to be stuffing them into folders or clogging up registration with them.

Rollo Home on August 7, 2013:

Sorry Jo. There was some healthy discussion about the clipboards at the call....I was just always in favour of simple. But, yes, a decision needs to be made and you're as qualified as anyone to make it!

Steven, we were quite keen on their support at an early stage - this was one of the things that we said we'd do. The actual implementation of the stuffing we can minimise by having copies at the desk...I don't see this as an issue.

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Rollo, sorry if I sounded quite grumpy- it just felt like we were going round in circles a bit! FWIW if you include the cost of a pad in the "simple clipboard" then the costs are pretty comparable to the single colour quote that I had.

Actually the big priority is the FOSS4G heroes badge as that's the one with the longest lead time...

...and it occurred to me last night that we also need to organise the OSGeo Live DVDs- which Ian E was going to do...

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:

Re logos on conference gift

We said that Diamond - Gold would get their logo on the gift

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:

@Rollo if we have committed to distributing their mag then we must do so. But bearing in mind how many people bin this stuff let's do so in the least time consuming and way (hence my suggestion to have a place for sponsor mags and literature which delegates can choose to take)

Antony Scott on August 22, 2013:

Jo (anyone?), what did we decide about the table top flags in the end - there's nothing on the sheet and I can't remember...

Jo Cook on August 22, 2013:

Hi Antony,

They are on the event signage page (top option) with a link to an example place we might get them from.
