The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Posted by Abi Page on July 31, 2013

Right, let's look at the lanyard....

I have written down A5 (is this wrong is it A6?) with 8 sheets, the first one laminated and with a sticker on front with delegate details.
Can we confirm this is what we need and then I will get the pricing details.

.. what else, what is the content - if we are struggling to fit the session programme on a double A4 spread with 8pt text, will we be attempting to shrink it for the lanyard?


Steven Feldman on August 1, 2013:

A5 looks massive hanging from the lanyard but A6 is so tiny that it will be difficult to get much on it. Rollo?

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

It was 15cm x 10.5cm: so that's A6. It's large enough to get maps, programme overview, contact details, etc. on to.

Antony Scott on August 4, 2013:

Abi, is it worth a quick call to discuss the lanyard? Today (Sun) anytime or Mon eve OK for me.

Abi Page on August 4, 2013:

Hi Ant, possibly but I'm afraid I won't be able to do so until mid / end of the week. In the meantime, can maybe try and get discussion going on here about content for each of the sides and what we are going to do about presenting the programme eg -
front - Foss4g logo, space for sticker
pg 2-6- ?
pg 7 - map of campus
back - map of venue


Antony Scott on August 4, 2013:

How about this for A6 lanyard page, 7pt text? We could do a double page for each day - 6 pages, assuming we could print pretty much to edge of paper. Would need to edit/truncate some titles, but I don't think that should be a problem, given the full version is elsewhere.

Abi Page on August 5, 2013:

From William, who is sorting out the printers:

The Lanyard cost will be as follows:-
2cm x 90cm Flat Polyester (see Info Sheet attached)
Standard colour fabrics are – Black, White, Red 485, Blue 281, Blue 297, Blue 300, Process Cyan, Cool Grey 7,
Purple 2607, Burgundy 208, Pink 1895, Pantone Yellow, Orange 021, Pantone Purple, Process Magenta, Green 349 or
Green 368.
1 Colour Print in 1 Position
Fitted with LAN04 Trigger Clip
Safety Release not required.
Quantity 250
Unit Price 69p each

Next Price break is 500 units @ 58p and 1,000 units @ 45p each .
Plus £35.00 Origination Set Up Per Colour
To fit a LAN05 Safety Release Fitting would be an extra 8p a unit.
The above prices exclude VAT & Carriage.
Manufacture time for the lanyards is 2-3 weeks based from PDF proof Sign Off.

So with that in mind and with a contingency delivery date of 13th September we need to have artwork for the lanyard to CPC by 22nd August.

We should also allow CPC 10 days to print everything. "

So he has costed for the actual lanyard and clip as well - is this ok?
Do costs look ok? - Do we need the safety release clip? (I assume this is in case someone gets caught on something... )

Bit concerned about the timing, I have asked Barry H to comment, but it means we need to get content agreed asap. Rollo, what do you think of Ant's comment on content - is this what you were thinking?

Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

Lanyard: I think that the prices that Jo has organised for the Lanyard itself were cheaper per unit, however we should check to see if there is some economy from combining the printing (although I doubt it).
Content: In terms of the programme, I'd suggest that it is just an over view that we need to provide (the idea of the Lanyard is to provide easy to access 'orientation' information [where, when, who] - not detailed content). So Session ID is enough detail to show per day (not speakers/presentations). Ideally we'd get an entire day on a single 'card'.
Other things to show: maps (campus, nottingham, venues); contact numbers/help points; party venues(?)

Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

Made a mock up on an A6 page of the timetable as a's in MSWord - can't print to PDF here (?!?!?!?!).

Antony Scott on August 6, 2013:

I have done one – it’s on basecamp a bit higher in this thread. I think we could fit the presentation titles in, would be quite a nice little guide if we could – wouldn’t have to be constantly consulting the programme.

Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

Yes, I saw that, but it appeared to have a single day split over two 'pages' which is not ideal. These cards are best read as single pages (if you imagine how they hang round your neck and are 'collated' simply on a clip - they don't 'turn' like pages). If you can fit on the paper titles, great, but I don't see it happening to be honest....

Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:

Presentation titles only?

Abi Page on August 7, 2013:

I will send some ideas to Barry H and see what he can suggest - I am concerned about the timescale and it is a week earlier than Barry was anticipating, so we probably need to just be a bit pragmatic about it.

Rollo/ Jo - I'm not too sure re the lanyard costs listed on the promo google doc and what is included there - so do I just need to organise the printing (has this cost been included) and you will sort out the lanyard cord and clip?

I think the lanyards will need to be assembled before registration - I am a bit concerned about how many "bits" there will be at registration for the volume of people that need to be processed. I have at least one person who has volunteered to help from Monday with this type of thing - is this useful and should I take them up on it?

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Hi Abi,

The costs in the spreadsheet are just for the lanyard and clip, not the actual card/pass/mini booklet thing. I'm happy to arrange the ordering of the lanyard and clip, as part of the general promo items order- if you can manage the card/pass/mini booklet (we need a better name for this!). The cost of printing has not been included- if you happen to know what it is, please do include it so we have a full understanding of the costs.

Yes there will be a lot to sort out on the Monday so if we can have some assistance from a volunteer that would be great.


Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:


yes to a volunteer from Monday if one is available

Abi Page on August 7, 2013:

Jo, cost of printing on PDF above - depends on how many we are ordering.

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Thanks Abi- I've added them into the promo doc now

Abi Page on August 13, 2013:

Barry has asked me for a brief for the lanyard.

> Lanyards: 6 total, two sided... design to tie in with the Programme...
> Then I'd like a breakdown of what goes on each lanyard (side one, side two if there are two sides), supplying me with the actual actual text you want and/or referencing the page in the latest Programme PDF where I can grab it. Something like this:
> • Lanyard 1, Side 1:  FOSS4g Logo; name room for sticker
> • Lanyard 1, Side 2:  FOSS4g Logo; sign off details from back cover of PDF: back cover PDF – Venue map.

So this is where I am:

Lanyards: A6, 4 cards total. Design - look and feel should tie in with programme, but this is a quick overview for delegates rather than the detailed information included in the booklet.
The first card will be laminated, the others will just be on card.

Side 1: This should have the FOSS4G Logo then a large space that will be filled with a sticker (SIZE?) that will have the delegates details on it (name and what they have paid for).

Side 2: Programme overview as per booklet page 17
Side 3: Thursday Programme  (booklet 20 & 21, but without full details - attach example from Rollo)
Side 4: Friday Programme (booklet page 22 & 23)
Side 5: Saturday Programme (booklet page 23 & 24)
Side 6: Key noters name & times(?) - OR card with space for delegate to write on workshops they have booked to attend?
Side 7: Campus Map (booklet page 2)
Side 8: Venue Map (booklet page 58)

I would like to send this to Barry tomorrow night, so please send any comments otherwise I will go with this.

We need to decide what is happening about these stickers - what size will they be, who will / can print them off using the information we hold on delegates?

Also your thoughts on side 6 please.


Antony Scott on August 13, 2013:

What's thinking behind laminating 1 card. Can stickers be A7? That should give enough space. I would vote for a blank side for notes, contact details, whatever.

Abi Page on August 13, 2013:

Just going with what was discussed previously - presumably to make it a little thicker/ more protected if being worn for 3 days?

Rollo Home on August 14, 2013:

Abi - sounds a sensible decision/proposal for the lanyard content. I like the idea of note space, but if it meant leaving out good info (like keynoters) then perhaps not. Do we have note space in the main programme (not that it's a huge issue - just a 'nice touch').
Sticker - i'd suggest using a standard printer label size so that we can produce them easily on site in a standard A4 printer:

Barry Rowlingson on August 14, 2013:

Do these lanyards also serve as name badges? Will the name be very visible always? Will I be permanently flipping my lanyard dangly bits over so people can see my name and asking others to do likewise? #conferenceannoyances

Steven Feldman on August 14, 2013:

A6 = 148 x 105

We can get an 8/page label that is 99.1x67.7 which would allow us to print delegate name etc in nice big print with delegate/speaker, organisation and reg detail and still leave room for them to add their twitter handle by hand if they wish.

Alternatively we could use 14/page 99 x 38

Cheap but good label is

Good suggestions for the content - for side 6 I like the idea of having a place to note favourite sessions perhaps an empty grid. If we do that i would make it side 8 and shuffle to maps up a place to sides 6 and 7

Abi Page on August 14, 2013:

Thanks will send off to Barry. We need to decide on the logistics of label printing - who / when / from which information and exactly how it will look.

Abi Page on August 19, 2013:

"Here are the Lanyard designs, These are only for design as the Day Programmes (Thurs – Sat) are not accurate at this time.

I am sourcing the location and size of the punch for the lanyard attachment.

With the Conference Centre site map (FOSS4G Sat_ConvMap Lanyard A6 v1.pdf), I have cropped out the motorways in order to increase the size of the map text to make it easier to read.

I forgot to mention that the Lanyard text is 7pt.


Antony, Rollo - comments?

Barry Rowlingson on August 19, 2013:

There's a "1" in one of the Time columns that should be a "12" in "1-12:30".

Are the boxes going to have presentation titles or just be blank with session titles? I suspect they'd be a bit small. I'm just not sure the empty grid is useful, people will have to refer to the programme or their phones to see whats in these spaces, unless the idea is for them to mark in advance the sessions they want to go to on the lanyard...

Antony Scott on August 19, 2013:

Looks nice. I'd still vote for session titles in the programme pages, or more realistically a 3 or 4 word edit of them (I'd be happy to do an edit), otherwise I agree with Barry that it doesn't add a lot. Maybe presenter names is an alternative? The timings need to be consistent format (eg 12:00 not 12), and if possible all on one line for neatness/readability.

Abi Page on August 19, 2013:

Ant, do you want to have a go at an edit for a few and see how you get on? I agree it would be nice, I'm just not sure how feasible, but worth a try.

Rollo Home on August 19, 2013:

Abi - these are good. As an 'orientation tool' this is just what people will need to have to hand all the time.
I'd agree with the comments from Barry and Ant above (although I think it will be a tough thing to edit some of these session titles down to few words). If space is an issue, I'd suggest removing the footer - it's not really needed on every page.

Antony Scott on August 20, 2013:

How about this? c. 40 characters, just an aide memoire to what's in the programme really.
New Stuff In QGIS
QGIS As A Platform
Water Quality with FLOSS
Catchment Management Planning
Open Source For INSPIRE
Web Atlas using D3
INSPIRE Geodata with HALE
Mapping For Rights
Fire Danger Forecasting
Alerting/Notification for Wildfires
Introduction to Open Source Geospatial
Loading National Open Data Sources
Open Data For Real
OSM Compared to Austrian Reference Graph
Visualization Of Austrian Open Gov Data
Big Data In Standardization
Spatial Temporal Oceanographic Query
pgRouting For Dummies
The Shortest Way To School

Rollo Home on August 20, 2013:

It's not bad actually. Would you consider txt speach?
Fire Danger 4casting?
Shortest Way 2 Skool?
Intro 2 Open Source Geospatial?
no? perhaps best...

I would totally expect someone to get upset that we'd somehow changed the meaning of their paper - but hopefully it's apparent why a condensed approach was taken.

Abi Page on August 20, 2013:

I will get these over to Barry to have a look - are we happy with the rest of the cards though? He will want to do changes in one go.

Rollo Home on August 20, 2013:

Looking at them again, I'd definitely take the footer off those that are in would look odd when their all together.
Regarding 'the hole' do we know the clip type? Having visions of them not going onto easily - which would be a pain with 800 of them to do......
But they look good.

Abi Page on August 20, 2013:

The clip is whatever was sourced with the promo stuff... Barry is finding out where the printers will place the hole. It is going to be difficult to be certain though until we try it I guess.

Antony Scott on August 20, 2013:

Abi, if we are going with the edited titles (no txt spk, soz Rolls ;-) ), can you find out how Barry H would like it for ease of import? I can work from Barry R's HTML. Also when he would need it.

Abi Page on August 21, 2013:

Will do - I am looking at it again though and I don't see how 40 chrs will work (looks more like space for 10 at the moment or 20 over 2 lines), lets see what Barry thinks.

Abi Page on August 22, 2013:

Session titles are not going to work:

"Hi Abi

The truncated session titles aren't going to work. I have been trying with 7 pt and I'll run out of room.

I think the best thing to do is have the Sessions listed in their boxes: Session 1.1, Session 1.2....


Here is the proof from Barry using the session numbers. Hopefully people can use this alongside the programme book and highlight/ circle what they want to see in advance so they don't need to carry both with them.

Any big issues by Sunday night please, but we don't have time for lots of changes to meet the print deadline.

Rollo Home on August 23, 2013:

Abi - these look good. If there is no space for a title, then I'd suggest that the numbers are fine (but do we need to have 'session' in there 200+ times? Perhaps just the number is sufficient? It would make the page less cluttered perhaps? I also think it looks better without the footer)

Q. Would the URI be a suitable ref. to add? (as in main prog - page 26 on wards)? Might be a bit much work to do now?!?

Abi Page on August 26, 2013:

I really like the URI idea - I'm not sure how much work to add it now, will see what Barry thinks since the booklet is pretty much ready to go.... wish we had come up with that before!
Otherwise, yes agree on dropping "session".

Antony Scott on August 26, 2013:

Abi, really sorry to be late to this but I noticed that the times are still a bit inconsistent – would be good if they were all in same format (ie HH:MM), and all on a single line if poss. URI gets my vote too...

Abi Page on August 27, 2013:

Thanks, Barry is going to try and use the URI


Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Attached is the proof for the lanyard- looks fine to me- comments asap if you have any

Abi Page on August 27, 2013:

Looks good to me -  as long as Barry H doesn't find an issue with the clip and he is happy.

Abi Page on August 28, 2013:

Updated lanyard programme - This looks great, do you agree that this should go to print?

Barry Rowlingson on August 28, 2013:

Typos: Thurs_Fri file has 2.1 that should be 12.1 and 18 that should be 18.1.

Rollo Home on August 28, 2013:

these look excellent.
Do you need checking of the programme? Or is he comfortable with his work? (I see Barry is already on the case!)

Also, I assume that he's matched the lanyard programme with the version in the programme booklet (as there have been changes since his print deadline). IMHO it would be better for the two printed items to match, even if they are out of date (as they will always be out of date at some point).
Finally, he's used the tag "/p/138" or whatever, and the footnotes say append to "" which would give a double // in the path name - but that's not a problem for anyone is it?

Barry Rowlingson on August 28, 2013:

// is not a problem for my apache redirect rule :)

Rollo Home on August 28, 2013:

excellent. Go apache!

Abi Page on August 28, 2013:

I was going to say // is working - isn't Barry R great :)
Yes have a check if you can - I did spot a couple of errors in the copying across in the main booklet so it is worth having an eye over it if you have time. I believe that Barry H has used the same data for both documents.

If we are happy now with the layout then I will let Barry H know that any amendments are only going to be minor - but I will wait until Ant has had a look.

Barry Rowlingson on August 28, 2013:

Thursday's time column has 1:00 - 12:30 that should be 12:00 to 12:30
 Also, Friday has 13:00 - 13:15 for lunch that should be 13:00 - 13:30

Rollo Home on August 28, 2013:

2.1 should read 12.1
172 should read 17.2
18 should read 18.1
Bert Henning should read Ben Hennig (!)
19.2 /p/15 should read /p/159

Most of the changes have been presenters and not shifting papers around, so this is actually an almost bang up to date version of the programme. Cool.

Antony Scott on August 28, 2013:

I agree this is looking good, haven't time to check the details, looks as though others have that covered. One minor point (bearing in mind the needs of the optically challenged :-) ) - the URLs would I think be a bit easier to read if they were taken down to normal text (I think they are bold). But not critical if there's a good reason not to. Assume the other pages are as before? Otherwise go go go.

Steven Feldman on August 28, 2013:

Claire and I were talking this afternoon about the labels that will go on the front sheet of the lanyard.

I made a suggestion above about using stock labels that should fit. There are three things we need to get sorted:
  1. Confirm size of label that will fit in the space on the front sheet of the lanyard. It looks as if the larger 99 x 68mm one will be ok. Who can check?
  2. Agree what info needs to go on the label, my suggestion:
    First name
    Second name
    A space preceded by an @ symbol for them to write in their twitter name (we do not want to try to gather and print)
    A line that indicates whether they are a presenter and/or a sponsor
    A smaller print  line that shows whether they are signed up for Workshops, Ice Breaker, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Closing Party
  3. Work out the layout and do a trial mail merge to confirm it all works
Claire would like to get labels printed on the Thursday or Friday before the event starts. We will have a printer and a stock of labels at the registration desks to print any last minute additions or changes

Abi Page on August 28, 2013:

Steven, this is great that you and Claire are onto this, I was wondering about the labels process.
1.) I will confirm this size will be ok with Barry H.
2.) Sounds fine to me, assume we aren't bothered adding volunteer, LOC etc.. may be too many different options and we have the tshirts anyway to distinguish?
3.) Are you/ Claire happy to do this?

Agree with printing the labels well in advance. Any last minute people can surely cope with a hand-written label as I doubt we will have time to print new labels during registration?

Steven Feldman on August 28, 2013:

@Abi We can probably add Volunteer and LOC, we just need to be able to get all of these 'flags' in one line

Abi Page on September 2, 2013:

See mock-up photos here:

There are a couple of minor changes that I have highlighted in the programme book that haven't been carried through, but I hope to get this sorted with Barry this morning.


Abi Page on September 2, 2013:

Barry has confirmed sticker size of 99mm wide x 68mm high

Abi Page on September 3, 2013:

Now sent to printers - thanks everyone.

Jeremy Morley on September 4, 2013:

All, having tracked down this thread, please ignore my request about the badges elsewhere. I'll forward the lanyard and wristband designs to the Hallward Library people to help them identify workshop attendees.
