The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Conference team hoodies- choose your preference and size

Posted by Jo Cook on August 3, 2013

Dear All,

Our chairman has suggested that it would be nice for the LOC to have an additional "goodie" as thanks for the work we've all put in. We've got a couple of options to choose from-  so this message is a poll to choose which of the options is most popular, and what size you'd like.

Your choices are:
1) (in meadow or tweed)
2) (in charcoal and green)
Sizes are given on each page, and there will be an embroidered FOSS4G logo somewhere.

I'm including Ken Field and Gary Gale into this as they get to have one too.

So get your vote and size info in quick!


Jo Cook on August 3, 2013:

I vote 1) in tweed and size small

Barry Rowlingson on August 3, 2013:

1) in meadow and medium, except they are out of stock in meadow/medium so if thats a problem tweed is okay. Not that bothered really!

Rollo Home on August 3, 2013:

Oh. That is very kind indeed. Cheers. I rather like the retro (large). But they both look good.

Ian Holt on August 3, 2013:

I vote 1 and Meadow - size Large (my wife told me this might fit)

Steven Feldman on August 3, 2013:

Me 1) in meadow, large

Antony Scott on August 3, 2013:

Ooh my first hoodie. Same as Barry please,
1) in meadow and medium, except they are out of stock in meadow/medium so if thats a problem tweed is okay.

Abi Page on August 3, 2013:

Thank you.
I prefer 1 and in tweed - meadow is ok though.
Looking at the sizes I think men's small is still going to be a bit big for me... I see there is a link there to ladies which looks identical but seems to go a little smaller - I don't want to be difficult, if we need to go with the men version then small clearly, but if I can get a size smaller it would be better.

Matt Walker on August 4, 2013:

I've prefer 2 in a large but happy with either :-)

Barend Köbben on August 4, 2013:

1 Large in Meadow please...

Kenneth Field on August 4, 2013:

Very kind, not sure I ought to qualify given my small contribution but...if the idea is for them to all be the same then I'd vote number 1 style in Meadow. If we can have different then I'd pick 1 in Sunset. XL for me...these California burgers really are supersize

Mark Iliffe on August 4, 2013:

Same as Anthony and Barry for colours, in XL please. Too much time in the gym, clearly...

Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

Thanks to everyone who has replied- we're still waiting for 7 people to reply though- get your preferences in quick!

Jeremy Morley on August 6, 2013:

The retro in charcoal and green. Medium please.

(Though given the choice I'd prefer the charcoal & burgundy by a long chalk - green isn't my choice of colour!).

Claire Gilmour on August 6, 2013:

I don't care about the colour. XL please.

Ian Edwards on August 7, 2013:

Medium please

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Ian- Medium in what style and colour?

Ian Edwards on August 7, 2013:

Are we not matching (going with the majority vote)?

I would choose: Medium - Retro - Charcoal/Bottle Green

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Ian, yes, but unless everyone makes a choice we don't have a majority to choose from :-)

Suchith Anand on August 7, 2013:

In meadow and medium please

Addy Pope on August 7, 2013:

2 in charcoal and green in medium but not fussed too much, both look fine.

Franz-Josef Behr on August 7, 2013:

1) meadow or blackberry, large; thanks!

Jo Cook on August 8, 2013:

Peter and Gary- we're just waiting for you now!


Abi Page on September 19, 2013:

I have been missing my ladies fit M hoodie since Monday... I have come to the conclusion that one of you guys has probably picked it up. Can you check what you are wearing - the clue is on the label (and probably the zip being the other way around).

If you don't want the rest of LOC to know you have been cross-dressing then you can leave it in the volunteer/ LOC office....

There is a box with boy hoodies still around registration that you can swap it for.