The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Badges for "FOSS4G Heroes"

Posted by Jo Cook on August 6, 2013

Hi All,

We've discussed having special badges for "FOSS4G Heroes", namely volunteers and a few others. I've had a look around and these seem to be the best bet:

They have quite a long turn-around time, so I'm keen to get going with them asap. How many do we think we need?




Jo Cook on August 6, 2013:

Hi All,

We also need to think about the logo and text we want for these badges- and indeed the shape of them. Is it worth having a call to discuss at some point this week?


Rollo Home on August 6, 2013:

Questions, questions - I wonder if the design element is perhaps left to a skilled few (a couple of names spring to mind - but that's yet more being dumped onto them - I'm sure others have design skills. I don't. Just strong views), but in relation to the other points, I guess it would help to have some parameters for a designer to work around (i.e. what is the purpose of the badge?).

1. they need to be exclusive - so enough for volunteers and a few others? That's sub 100 I'd suggest. However if we include speakers(?), plenaries(?) then the number goes up a lot. So who get's them? (and 'how' do we get them to these people?)

2. FOSS4G Hero is a great text for the badge, perhaps woven in, or around, the 2013 logo.

3. backing pin - I like that long pin, but perhaps a H&S issue ;-)

Does that excuse me from a call!

Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:

I suggest we pick a number (say 100, max 150) and then work out a set of criteria that use them up. e.g.:
  • Big time donations from delegate volunteers (not those getting free day passes)
  • Winners of Opening up the Map categories? (some not all if necesssary)
  • Hackathon award
  • People who have gone the extra mile in whatever way we determine
  • The chair of the FOSS4G 2014 LOC
  • etc

Abi Page on August 7, 2013:

Like this - have about 60 volunteers total now, but some are day pass people & bursaries - will need to do another count up.

From experience, designing the pins needs a bit of thought as you have to create areas that are then filled with the enamel - no open edges. Last time a nice man at the company I used helped me out.... any chance there is someone there that has design skills and can help us out, will cost more obviously but I get the sense we are running out of time for all the design tasks that need done...

Addy Pope on August 7, 2013:

We just got some badges made for Fieldtrip GB.  Look great.  Can steal a bit of time from Edina designer who did the email badges if that would help.

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:

Unless anyone else chips in that is a big YES to @addy's offer

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Timescale- need 4 weeks turn-around- so it would need to be quick...

Addy Pope on August 7, 2013:

What are we looking to have on the badge "FOSS4HERO" or go geek with  "man -a FOSS4G"

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:

My vote for FOSS4G Hero

Use logo with FOSS4G hero in a laurel type thing under logo?

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

I thought we could keep it really simple and just say:

I'm a <foss4g in logo> hero

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:

My thinking was these would be awarded rather than self appointed so maybe just
<foss4g in logo> Hero

Jo Cook on August 7, 2013:

Sounds good- simple is best. In that case (prepares to get shot down in flames by designer types) all we need to consider is the font for the Hero part of the text?

Rollo Home on August 7, 2013:

Oh, that's simple: Arial

Steven Feldman on August 7, 2013:

are there any other fonts?

Jo Cook on August 8, 2013:

Of course- there's comic sans

Addy Pope on August 8, 2013:

Ok, going to get designer to mock up a badge. Do you have a supplier? We got 200 badges done last week at short notice from a company up here and they came out pretty good.  Can get a quote.  How many would we want?

Jo Cook on August 8, 2013:

Addy can you supply a link to the badges you had done so we can compare them to the ones we were going to go for?

I think we're going to need around 100, 150 max.


Addy Pope on August 8, 2013:

oooooo, they do bottle openers too!

Jo Cook on August 8, 2013:

We were thinking of hard enamel like this: though they are more pricey...


Addy Pope on August 8, 2013:


Addy Pope on August 9, 2013:

Ok, so have we progressed this at all?  We want enamel badges, but which style? #12 looks ok and would give us room for txt and possibly the target logo or a ribbon. 

Cant find a design template.  

Steven Feldman on August 9, 2013:

6, 8 or 12 works for me

Addy Pope on August 13, 2013:

Can you have a look at these options and let me know what you think.

Abi Page on August 13, 2013:

As mentioned previously, the problem with hard enamel is that it is like a stained glass - for each area it has to be outlined in a metal and then filled with the colour. For the ribbon designs, I don't see how you could make the lines work at that size as they have to be a specific thickness (I think 1-2mm depending on the company) that I'm not sure would work. It may even be an issue for the target.
You probably need to have this discussion with the company.

Hard enamel does look lovely as an end product though and will be a much better gift than a regular button badge.

Addy Pope on August 13, 2013:

Ok so is the simplest design "do-able" do you think?  We could make the roundle bigger by only showing a segment of it. That might make it easier to make.

Jo Cook on August 13, 2013:

Abi, Addy,  I heard from the people at MBC badges over the weekend and they are happy to do the logo design for us *for free* so we don't really have to worry too much about this- I'm about to send them the basic logo, then they can come back to us with concerns/problems. FWIW I'm not sure we should be altering the logo too much- ie removing the ribbon and arrows from the target.

Addy Pope on August 13, 2013:

Ok, no worries.  Removed the ribbon/arrows for simplicity and fits with the comments from abi. Wont ask our designer to do any more iterations, but if you want any of these in more graphic friendly formats, just shout..

Barry Rowlingson on August 13, 2013:

I'm slightly worried that the target design plus the word 'Hero' might be a bit military (as in Help for Heroes). If you can just use the ribbon, or part of it, that might be better.

Addy Pope on August 13, 2013:

Mmmm, not sure you can avoid that link barry without removing the word Hero, though i personally dont think it is that close as H4H's use a stretcher bearers and medals.

MBC Badges seem to have some quite intricate example on their site.  Jo - you might want to forward the examples as  start point and see if they think they can do the ribbon or not.

Jo Cook on August 13, 2013:

I'm going to send them the whole logo, as on the style page, tell them that we want it to say "hero" somewhere, and see what they say. Seems best :-) If they can't do it then we can switch to simple button badges with a printed logo and a quick turn-around, no probs

Barry Rowlingson on August 14, 2013:

Sorry to throw more onto this... How about we just use the fundamental part of the ribbon (the bit common to all FOSS4Gs) in our green colour, with 'hero' underneath?
Mockup attached. I think it should work as a badge, I like the idea of it being a ribbon, it might inspire further foss4gs to produce hero badges in their own colours, and I think it should work as an enamel badge with the lettering and black done raised.

Addy Pope on August 14, 2013:

Could be easier to enamel.  

Jo Cook on August 14, 2013:

I've sent our existing pdf as a starter, and asked a bunch of questions- if they tell us we need to simplify it then fine, but it would be nice if we can get away without. I'll let you know how they respond.