The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

GeoCamp Layout

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on August 22, 2013

Made this for planning stage and screen locations. If people want to plan things in the GeoCamp, its to scale with 1m grid squares.

The SVG is in my Graphics/Misc folder on Dropbox that I've shared with some of you.


Jeremy Morley on August 22, 2013:

Thanks Barry.

But are they grid cells, or is it a space covered in grid lines?...  ;-p

Barry Rowlingson on August 22, 2013:

Semantics aside... we have 30mx20m = 600 m^2 minus a bit for stage and space, I reckon that gives us about 2/3 m^2 per person if we have 800 people. For the Nerds  I was thinking we could have some floor-sitting space at the front, then a few rows of chairs for the infirm and elderly. At that rate I think the rest of the crowd will be rammed in.

Jeremy Morley on August 22, 2013:

Especially as the trestle tables may well still be in there at the back.

However I thought we were going to put the chairs more around the sides, leaving a bigger space in the middle, mostly with poser tables near the front and the trestles nearer the back?

According to Field & Lawn's usual allowance for space the place should be big enough, but it may be the furniture that's the problem.

Barry Rowlingson on August 22, 2013:

I suppose people at the back can stand on the tables. Sitting round the outside is pointless for the Nerds' performance, you won't be able to see anything unless everyone in front is sitting on the floor.