The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

LOC Schedule

Posted by Abi Page on August 30, 2013

At the call today we discussed scheduling tasks that need to be completed during the event and assigning LOC. To allow this to be organised, please use this thread to now detail:
When you plan to arrive
When you plan to leave (or times you won't be around)
What commitments you have made to do things at a specific time already (eg at GeoCom / chairing a FOSS4G session etc).
One post per person would be best. Thanks.


Abi Page on August 30, 2013:

Me -
Arrive Monday (1-2pm ish)
Attending GeoCommunity (including evening events & AGM)
Committed to volunteer briefings, still to be scheduled
Leaving Sunday pm (open ticket)

Barry Rowlingson on August 30, 2013:

Arrive Tuesday (whenever my Land Rover lets me)
Leaving Sunday
Commitments: Am doing a presentation Friday morning. Probably doing nerd-herding on Thursday from 6 (and would like to introduce them on the night).

Steven Feldman on August 30, 2013:

I will be in Nottingham by lunch time on Monday
I will be there for the week leaving Sunday after lunch
I need to section out some time on Tuesday or Wednesday to write my bit for Thursday morning
Rest of the time I shall be chilling

Barend Köbben on August 30, 2013:

Arrival Nottingham Station Wednesday 14:59
presentation Thu 12:30-13:00
Departure Sunday 09:17

Rollo Home on August 30, 2013:

Arriving in Nottingham on Monday after having driven from Fort William (the finish line of the Scottish Coast2Coast race - wish me luck. Going to need it). Perhaps arrive Lunch time.

Leaving on Sunday (no prescribed time).

  • I am a paid up GeoCom delegate and would appreciate seeing some of the sessions (in particular the Smart Cities one - I may chair it if David has to pull out). Might be interested in partaking in the odd #geotipple of an evening....and of course the AGM.
  • Presenting a paper on Wed (maybe writing it on Tuesday).
  • I'd like to support the AGI SIG stand for a while,
  • and should also show my face at the OS stand.
Other than that - at the beg and call of the LOC.

Matt Walker on August 30, 2013:

My schedule is going to be a bit patchy as I'm balancing the conference and family commitments (primarily Reuben starting school full time).

On-site during the day to ensure everything is set up for workshops, home in the evening

Tuesday / Wednesday
Workshops! Home Wednesday night

Thursday / Friday
Travel up Thursday for main conference. Friday is probably my last day at the conference

I've asked Ian Turton and Ian Edwards to oversee the Code Sprint

Ian Edwards on August 30, 2013:

Mon - arrive lunch time
Tue - hackathon
Wed - hackathon am, workshop pm
Thu, Fri, Sat - during breaks I'll mostly be on our stall, but during
sessions I'll be available (or in conference office)
(Fri - Sat, I'll be attending several of the BoF sessions, e.g. 7:30-9
each morning, and OSGeo AGM Fri 6pm)
(Sat 11-12:30 chairing Session 61)
Sun - Code sprints, leave afternoon/evening

Antony Scott on September 1, 2013:

Arriving Tue, probably before lunch.
Leaving Sun, early.
May need to staff the MapAction stand at some point, depending on whether I can get enough MapAction people to cover.

Jeremy Morley on September 1, 2013:

When you plan to arrive
I'm around in Nottingham anyway but am unavailable over the weekend before (14/15th). I can be there whenever on the 16th and can be on-site to monitor the marquee build, etc. the week before.

When you plan to leave (or times you won't be around)
Leave? Nottingham?!  I'm around throughout the week and staying at the hotel. Slight chance of having to be away on Tuesday evening but low probability.

What commitments you have made to do things at a specific time already (eg at GeoCom / chairing a FOSS4G session etc).
I'm generally committed to GeoCom on Tuesday & Wednesday including chairing or monitoring sessions, though not specifically committed till late morning on Tuesday.

I have a FOSS4G workshop first thing on Tuesday (9:30-11:30); a paper I'm a co-author on 14:30 on Thursday and may have to present; another I'm involved with but don't absolutely have to be at at 15:00 on Friday; and one I'm sole author on at 11 on Saturday.  I also want to run a Birds of a Feather first thing on Saturday re ELOGeo.

One post per person would be best. Thanks.

Jo Cook on September 2, 2013:

Arriving Monday early afternoon, leaving Sunday at some point.

I've deliberately avoided any commitments so I can do whatever anyone needs me to (within reason, morals and legalities of course)

Ian Holt on September 2, 2013:

Arriving Monday lunchtime
Leaving Sunday
Other commitments: show face at OS stand and MapAction stand. Apart from that I want to help where needed.

Claire Gilmour on September 2, 2013:

I am arriving on Monday (lunchtime)
Leaving Sunday afternoon
I will be mainly caught up with GeoCom stuff on Monday evening/Tuesday/Wednesday until 5pm
After that will be doing FOSS stuff.
I will be sorting venue/catering/delegates/sponsors/various adhoc stuff that always comes up

Mark Iliffe on September 3, 2013:

I'm already here, available during the construction of the GeoTent etc.. Will want to spend the ending Sunday and days after with my family before leaving the country to finish my PhD research. 

I'm charing and room monitoring various Geocom sessions on the Tuesday/Wednesday. Also running the Icebreaker on the Monday evening.

I've a paper to present on the Saturday and am running the ending show on the Saturday night. Before this am free.

Steven Feldman on September 3, 2013:


Those of you who have not responded, please let us know when you will be arriving

Suchith Anand on September 3, 2013:

I am available most times (8am -8pm) except 

Tuesday,17th Sep (9am- 1pm)  - On a project telemeeting which i couldn't reschedule because of logistics of many others availability
Friday, 20th Sep (8:00 -11:00) OGC/OSGeo BOF and Education and ICA-OSGeo Labs BOF meeting
Friday,20th Sep (14:00-17:00) presenting paper
Saturday, 21st Sep (morning) attending ELOGeo BOF session


Addy Pope on September 6, 2013:

Arriving late on Monday or early on Tuesday (will sort accom myself if monday night).
Leaving Saturday night or sunday am 

Mark Iliffe on September 6, 2013:

Addy, I should have some room at my place if you need it.

Abi Page on September 6, 2013:

This is still a work in progress and needs a lot of clean up, but it's a start. We are going to be particularly tight for help on Tuesday morning so please if you haven't already done so let me know your arrangements for the week.
I have left it open for viewing, although clearly it is just for LOC purposes - just saved me entering all the email addresses...

Franz-Josef Behr on September 9, 2013:

Just coming back from one week of vacations...

Arrival: Tuesday afternoon (leaving at 6 a.m. at home...)
Leaving: Sunday morning
Commitments: Support for any preparations on Wednesday, I can chair sessions as well.

Kenneth Field on September 9, 2013:

Staying near Newark Sunday & Monday eve but can be on site Monday if needed
Workshop Tues 11.30-13.30
Chairing sessions Thurs 14.00-16.00; Fri 11.30-13.00; Sat 11.00-1.00; Sat 13.30-14.00
Organisation of Map Gallery
Leaving Sunday

Jo Cook on September 9, 2013:

Abi- apart from the plenary that I'm chairing, I've deliberately kept myself quite free to do whatever needs doing whenever- so feel free to assign me whatever you want!

Barend Köbben on September 9, 2013:

Update: I have changed my travel to stay in London over Tuesday night and will therefore already arrive in Nott Station at 11:59 on the Wednesday.
presentation Thu 12:30-13:00
BOF Education Friday 09:00-10:00
BOF dutch chapter Saturday 08:00-09:00
Departure Sunday 09:17 from Station

Abi Page on September 10, 2013:

Thanks everyone - I will get this sorted and open the document later for editing. Apologies I have been on the move for a few days.

If anyone wants to chair sessions: 19, 49, 57 or 58 please let me know otherwise will pick on someone when I am back on my laptop later.

Barry Rowlingson on September 10, 2013:

I could probably do 57 or 58 (would prefer 57).

Barend Köbben on September 10, 2013:

Feel free to put me onto any session as long as it doesn't conflict with my own presentation Thu 12:30-13:00...

Antony Scott on September 10, 2013:

Likewise except that I don’t have a presentation...

Franz-Josef Behr on September 10, 2013:

I can chair session 49 or 58.

Abi Page on September 10, 2013:

Thanks guys.

Bared: 19
Franz-Josef: 49
Barry: 57
Ant: 58

and now all the sessions have chairs.
Jo, I am sure you will be tied up with other things, although with 70 odd volunteers chances are we will get a few issues / gaps to fill on the day.