The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Music - revised

Posted by Addy Pope on September 10, 2013

Ok, i have put together another play list.  Assuming that the venue has the licence so we can just play tunes of Spotify, here is a list of songs that are either "free", "open" or "map" related. Some belters, some cookie and some left field but that's what you get when you crowd-source and office..... hope the link works (requires a spotify account).  Happy for my account to be accessed on the night.


Barry Rowlingson on September 10, 2013:

Nice, but what's "Young Turks" by Rod Stewart got to do with it? And Uprising by Muse?

Track 22 - do you know what "Map of Tasmania" is slang for? Might not be okay with our code of conduct :)

Searching for 'Cartography' on spotify brings up a load of tracks....

What about Robin Hood music? There's some nice soundtrack from Prince Of Thieves on Spotify. Or the classic "Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen" tv theme...

Addy Pope on September 10, 2013:

Hi Barry, yup there are some left field choices in there and it is subject to approval/editing.

Map of Tasmania - yes i do know, but put it in to see what you lot thought. Personally think it would be best left out.

Young Turks - "hearts beat "free" tonight"

Uprising - all about going against the mainstream, lyrics about cutting red tape and so on..... may me too left field.

Cartography - look at it now. Adding in some.

Robin Hood theme - great idea, will add some but everyone has a Brian Adams threshold ;) Thankfully we are not in Cork or we would have the titanic soundtrack.... 

Addy Pope on September 10, 2013:

if you have any other tracks that should be added let me know and i will lob them in.

Abi Page on September 10, 2013:

Thanks guys, can you also think about where they will fit in prog & maybe sub classify - eg general background, before opening/closing plrnary etc.

Jeremy Morley on September 10, 2013:

How about the "Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen" music... ;-)  It's not Bryan Adams at least.

Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013:

I know my taste in music exposes my veteran status and past misdemeanours but Addy gets a big big thumbs up from me.

Of course I could say "yuck to this and what about that" I am grateful that we have a playlist, happy to let others improve and then work out what to use where

Kenneth Field on September 10, 2013:

Map of the Problematique - MUSE
Atlas - Coldplay
Rule the World - Take That
Everybody want to rule the World - Tears for Fears
Rocking all over the World - Status Quo
It's a Small World - Disney
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
Welcome to my World - Eddy Arnold
O Green World- Gorillaz
The World We Live In- The Killers
The Man Who Sold the World- David Bowie
Ordinary World - Duran Duran
I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing - The New Seekers
Lord of the World - Black Sabbath
In this World - Moby
Virtual World - The Verve
Rockin in the Free World - Neil Young
New World Man - Rush
It's the End of the World - REM
Spirits in the Material World - The Police
Mad World - Gary Jules
Top of the World - The Carpenters

Addy Pope on September 11, 2013:

Cheers Ken, adding them in.  Should be something for everyone in their.  Next task is to make it "run" without massive mis-matches.....