The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Thank you

Posted by Jo Cook on September 10, 2013

Dear All,

I thought I'd send this now, before we all get any more tired, emotional, stressed, drunk, whatever, but I'd like to personally thank everyone for being so damned awesome. Whatever happens at FOSS4G, I'm absolutely in awe about how brilliant everyone has been, and I've very much enjoyed being part of the same team as all of you.

That is all



Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013:

I would like to echo that but I need at least an hour to say how amazing this team has been :)

I am not "going to the dogs" on Friday night, I thought I would have a relaxed and refined evening meal (earlyish) at a restaurant Jeremy recommended. Would you be my guests? Will give me a chance to give a gushing and over emotional speech.

I just tweeted this

Not long to go now, this really will be the #BestFOSS4Gever


Ian Edwards on September 10, 2013:

The main programme finishes at 17:30 on Friday & OSGeo AGM is 18:00-19:00

I'm intending to give at least one weeks notice for the OSGeo:UK AGM - and either fit it in the half hour gap (17:30-18:00), or after the OSGeo AGM (19:00)

Next year will be an interesting year for the UK chapter - FOSS4G has proven that we have a very strong group and community and people will be interested in where this goes...

I'm intending to suggest a number of roles that could be filled at the AGM as I think this will vastly improve our appearance as a vibrant group, please consider if you would like to stand for any of these:

- Chair/chapter representative
- Secretary
- Marketing and Publicity officer
- Social media officer
- Web officer

We can make these very low-commitment roles if necessary.

Jo - can you remind me of the name of our Treasurer at AGI?  I need to contact them for a financial report.

Abi Page on September 10, 2013:

Is it only 7 days notice you need to give for the agm?

With my AGI hat on I think it is entirely unreasonable to ask for a financial report with effectively 3 days before the team leave for FOSS4G. They are working incredible hours with huge effort just now.

I would strongly suggest you think carefully before requesting this from the team and if you do I would fully support them if they declined your request.

Abi Page on September 10, 2013:

Oh and I meant to say, Jo & Steven your efforts are incredible and very inspiring. Thank you in return.

Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013:


The UK Chapter AGM is way off topic for this thread. Can you move to the UK Chapter mailing list please

Kenneth Field on September 10, 2013:

Gushing and over emotional Feldman? Count me in.

Mark Iliffe on September 10, 2013:

Steven, I would love to join you.

Abi, I wholly support what you're saying with regard to the local chapter.
Ian, if there is anything that needs to be done, please get in touch.

Barry Rowlingson on September 10, 2013:

Too much threadjacking on basecamp! :)

I think greyhound racing is animal abuse and I'll be standing outside with a protest banner... Unless its raining. It'll probably be raining. Let's find that restaurant.

But less of the emotion chaps. Stiff upper lip and british reserve and all that, what?

I'm expecting a performance of Henry V quality from Stephen before the conference.

Ian Edwards on September 11, 2013:

The only relevance to the tread was the chance of messing with Steven's timing for dinner.

Backing on topic, and echoing Jo's thoughts: FOSS4G in the UK - wow!  Well done everyone for pulling this off and thanks to each of you.

Steven Feldman on September 11, 2013:

"Men of few words are the best men"

"Would I were in an alehouse in London! I would give all my fame for a pot of ale, and safety"

Jeremy Morley on September 11, 2013:

Urgh, this is a quandary (which till now I hadn't realised has an a after the d). I would very much like to join you all but (despite Barry's reservations which we can debate sometime) given that I instigated the dog racing (and assuming anyone's going - still on my To Do list to check) I think someone from the LoC should be there. In fact, I thought we'd set aside Sunday lunch for the wind-down, etc., but I know various of us will actually want to get away that day.

Anyway, for now, mark me down as a 'maybe', not because I don't want to join you though.

Jo Cook on September 11, 2013:

I have a similar quandary (good word), in that I don't want Jeremy to be sitting at the Dog Race all by himself with no friends...

Jeremy perhaps if you think of it as something that you "suggested" rather than "instigated" you don't have to feel the same obligation to go :-)

Jeremy Morley on September 11, 2013:

Well let me see how many are registered at the end of this week and decide from there.

Jeremy Morley on September 13, 2013:

Steven: yes please for dinner

Barend Köbben on September 13, 2013:

+1 for dinner.

Antony Scott on September 13, 2013:

And me please...

Suchith Anand on September 13, 2013:


Ian Edwards on September 13, 2013:

oh yes +1

Abi Page on September 13, 2013:


Barry Rowlingson on September 13, 2013:

+feed me

Jo Cook on September 13, 2013:

Yes please for Friday dinner in that case :-)

Addy Pope on September 13, 2013:

+1 for scran