The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Late night GeoCamp movies?

Posted by Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013

Given that the site is covered by a PRS licence, and we have the big display projector in the tent from Monday, and the bar is licensed till 2am at EMCC itself (just depends on enough people still being there for the staff to keep it open) ...

I could hook a computer up to the projector, play a DVD at 11:30pm/12am for those that are interested? Might be that this is just Monday (after the GeoCom ice breaker next door), Wednesday (after our ice breaker), Friday (after we're back from wherever) & possibly Saturday depending when the beer tasting evening winds down.

It would be simple to bring some choice DVDs / play off iTunes so not much bother.  Then we can argue about what the line-up should be - but I think it would be better to know before we start.



Steven Feldman on September 12, 2013:

Blues Brothers

Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013:

(PS: if you have a film to suggest (e.g. Blues Brothers), put it somewhere so you'll remember to bring it!)


The Dark Knight Rises (given it was filmed in part round the corner)?

Steven Feldman on September 12, 2013:

Blues Brothers and Fawlty Towers both packed. Friday night will be fun

Barry Rowlingson on September 12, 2013:

The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain?

or any other movies where the lead character is a cartographer...

Barend Köbben on September 12, 2013:

Steven, bring specifically the FT episodes "Waldorf Salad" & "the Germans", that should cover the majority of foreign attendance...
I can bring Minority Report -- SciFi by Spielberg, full of futuristic locationTech & GIS (not clear if it's open, though).
And we'd need Robin Hood of course, but I do not have that myself...

Mark Iliffe on September 12, 2013:

Robin Hood, Men in Tights?

Jeremy Morley on September 12, 2013:

I have the Disney "Robin Hood" animated "classic" - though IMO it's a little dull compared with many1

Barry Rowlingson on September 13, 2013:

Alternatively, does anyone have an Xbox, PlayStation, or Wii with an archery game so we can play robin hood on the big screen?

Jeremy Morley on September 13, 2013:

Maybe we should have a movie like "Hackers"?

Mark Iliffe on September 13, 2013:

What about the ESRI users conference highlights? Actually, were there any?

Kenneth Field on September 13, 2013:

Well I’m surprised no-one has suggested showing both the Nottingham Forest European Cup winning matches back-to-back. I’d be more than happy to bring the DVDs ☺

Kenneth Field on September 13, 2013:

Ouch. It’s started already then? My session was quite reasonable but I’m biased ;-)

Mark Iliffe on September 13, 2013:

I was going to suggest the Coca Cola Cup winning years of '97 and '99 for
Leicester City. However, that little barb seemingly found its mark.