The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Icebreaker seating arrangements

Posted by Jo Cook on September 15, 2013

Dear All,

I'm just starting to work out the seating arrangements for the icebreaker. My intention was to keep us lot to 2 tables together, and then randomly assign everyone else to the other 18 tables. Does anyone have a strong preference NOT to sit with the rest of the LOC? (We won't be offended, honest). If you let me know, I'll add you to the "random" table list. I'm not going to get into specifically assigning people to tables with their colleagues though, unless there's a really good reason for it...




Jo Cook on September 15, 2013:

Oh yes, I was going to put Mike Parker with us as well- does that make sense?



Steven Feldman on September 15, 2013:

It is actually rather nice to mix the LOC in with the other delegates at the Ice Breaker, helps to get everyone started with the mixing and enables each table to have a host.

Of course if the rest of the team prefer to be seated together I will go along with that.

Mike Parker should be sat with Addy and/or Jo so that he doesn't feel lost

Jo Cook on September 15, 2013:

Some members of the LOC have had an input into the quiz, so I thought best keep us all together but I'll go with the majority :-)

Peter Batty on September 15, 2013:

From an outsiders viewpoint, I think it might seem a bit insular for the LOC to all sit together. I think spreading out among tables would be good to help answer people's questions. And just have to rely on people's self-control to not cheat on the quiz ;) ! Obviously up to you all, but just my thoughts. Looking forward to the big event and seeing everyone this week!

Jo Cook on September 15, 2013:

OK, OK, I'll fully randomise it (with the exception of Mike Parker, as Steven suggests). If there's any cheating, I hope the person responsible feels really bad about it afterwards...

Steven Feldman on September 15, 2013:

If there is any cheating, be sure someone will catch you out and then you may miss out on a FOSS4G Hero badge :(

Antony Scott on September 17, 2013:

Peter Batty is not coming to theĀ  IceBreaker - Jo asked me to note this somewhere so I have.

Ian Edwards on September 17, 2013:

Also... Jo asked for reminder that Suchith an I (Ian E) will not be at