The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Sponsorship Team

Posted by Steven Feldman on July 24, 2012

In case you had forgotten you are the sponsorship team!

I have started a writeboard for us to scratch together ideas and have put links to AGI and Denver FOSS4G in there but we may prefer to set this out in a Google spreadsheet (if so someone seize the initiative please)

I imagine we will end up with 4 sponsorship levels (maybe we can think of more geo names for them rather than Platinum etc). The big questions (well at least for me) are
  1. Rates
  2. Discounts - early commitment and/or double sponsorship with GeoCommunity
  3. What do we give to each package in terms of benefits
  4. Other sponsorship opportunities (are they available to anyone or only sponsors)
We also need to start to build a list of target sponsors to approach. Shall we start with the list of supporters, copy that and then extend?

I imagine that holidays are going to mean this will be a rush in the week before the F2F but if you get a chance to do something on this from the beach or poolside or whatever you are up to it would be most helpful i.e. please don't leave it all to me




Jo Cook on August 13, 2012:

Happy to start with the list of supporters- shall we stick with a google doc for this so we can add columns etc? I have also approached Tyler Mitchell again, in his Locate Press guise, as I think it would be wonderful to have an open source GIS book stall at the event. On that note, there's also the Packt Publishers and Manning, both of whom produce open source GIS books.