The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Comms catch-up

Posted by Jo Cook on August 6, 2012

Hi fellow comms people,

Are you all free to have a google hangout/conference call next week some time to get things moving with the website? If not, can we try and get a few things moving via this discussion?




Antony Scott on August 6, 2012:


Next week not good for me (in Scotland from Sat), but yes to your second question. Do you have a task list in mind? I am happy to add some content to the website as and when – maybe we need a heading/page list for this?


Rollo Home on August 8, 2012:

Jo, I'm OK to squeeze in a video chat next week, but suggest that it doesn't need to involve everyone. We could come up with a structure for the website content (framework) and then delegate (via a whiteboard on basecamp?) to people to write it up....
For my part I see it as:
1. Website - need some basic information up there even at this early stage. We can review the previous site to get the skeleton and set about writing!
2. Blog site - needs to be 'closed down' and redirected to the new site
3. Twitter - how to keep it 'busy'?
4. OGC communication channels - how to handle those?

Jo Cook on August 9, 2012:

Hi Both,

Rollo's idea sounds good- I'm keen we get a front page, and a venue page, and perhaps travel sorted asap really. I'll start a writeboard about it.



Antony Scott on August 10, 2012:

Thanks Jo, have added a few points to the WB. I'm assuming the site will go through phases as we move closer to the event. We would keep in mind the changing target audience - for now it will be potential delegates on the one hand, planning their travel for next year (particularly from the US), and potential sponsors on the other.  So it will be worth getting something up asap which incoroporates all the stuff from the bid, plus the legacy stuff from Denver, and make sure everyone can see we mean business! I'm happy to some cutting and pasting/hacking after the 20th when I get back.
One question which arises - are we are all just going to pitch in, or will someone have overall editorial control? For the moment I'd be comfortable with the former, but it might be worth being explicit about who's doing what a little further down the line. We'll also need to be clear about the process for other LOC members getting content up.
For other comms, we probably need a bit of a brainstorm about where to direct our efforts. Maybe another whiteboard?

Antony Scott on August 10, 2012:

OK have also added a Communications Channels whiteboard - I'm sure there is plenty to add, and we should cross check this against the main groups we are trying to reach (delegates, presenters, sponsors, exhibitors).

Jo Cook on August 13, 2012:

I should manage to find some time this week to start getting some skeleton content for the main pages of the site up. Hopefully!

Regarding editorial control- I trust the people in this subgroup to pitch in and not say anything too outrageous. I'm sure we can all correct any grammar or spelling bloopers that we find. Regarding the others in the LOC- perhaps in the first instance we should ask them to channel content through one or other of us, then if that gets too onerous we can draft some more people into the comms group. That's probably easier to manage than having too many people with editing rights on the site.

Jo Cook on August 19, 2012:

Hi Comms Peeps,

I added a bit of content to the front page, and hacked together a travel page from proposal document today. Also started an information page, with external links to things like visa info, currency etc. Feel free to edit/delete as you see fit.

I'm around Monday, Thursday and Friday this week, if any of these days are good for a catch-up?


Rollo Home on August 19, 2012:


This is perhaps the worst week for me to try and squeeze in another meeting.
I'm going to have to do this off-line. Please allocated to me tasks that I
can attend to at the end of next week (my deadline is 30th August). Joy.


Rollo Home
mob.: +44 (0) 7989 406 758
tel.: +44 (0) 1823 680 085


Jo Cook on August 20, 2012:

Hi Rollo,

No problem. I'll keep on tinkering for the moment, then lets see if we can catch up next week.


Antony Scott on August 20, 2012:


Maybe we could have a chat this afternoon or eve as I wanted to talk anyway? I'm on 07866 455515 if you had time to give me a call.


Jo Cook on August 20, 2012:

Hi Antony,

Today, not good, either during the day or the evening, then I'm out tomorrow and Wednesday. I can arrange to call you on Thursday morning, but otherwise email might be easiest for the next day or two- sorry!
