The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Preparing for our F2F on 6th Sept

Posted by Steven Feldman on August 30, 2012

Hi everyone

I hope you have had great summers and now ready to get down to some hard work getting FOSS4G 2013 kicked off.

I have drafted an agenda for next Thursday's meeting, it is in the Writeboards section. Please feel free to suggest amendments, I am sure I have missed some stuff.

Our aim is to come out of the meeting having reached high level decisions on direction for each of the strands of the conference and to have a draft timeline/project plan that we can use for monitoring progress with responsibilities assigned.

Hopefully all of the working groups have had some conversations about what we should be doing and will be ready to present briefly to the team. If not you have a week to think about your stuff! For each agenda item can one of the working group put their initials in place as the speaker. If you don't do this I will have to use chairman's prerogative.

Can you say whether you are going to be in Nottingham on the Wednesday evening so that we can organise a team meal and some geobeers. If you are planning to come up on Thursday morning please try to get to Nottingham as early as possible, I have scheduled a 10.00 start but if you are able to get there earlier the majority will already be there and we can get started (and finished earlier). If you can't get to Nottingham and want to dial in for all or part of the meeting please let Suchith know and he will deal with the admin.




Addy Pope on September 3, 2012:

I will be in town on Wednesday evening.  Oh, do you have a link to the WriteBoard agenda?

Jeremy Morley on September 5, 2012:

It'll be about 9:30 that I can get there tomorrow (my turn to drop off the kids!) and I'll need to leave at about 4:30.

Mike Saunt on September 5, 2012:

I'm hoping to be on campus by 11.30am and have asked whether sponsorship and budget discussions can be moved until later.

Can someone confirm back building / room for me?  

Rollo Home on September 5, 2012:

I'll arrive early Thursday morning.

Steven Feldman on September 5, 2012:

Nottingham Geospatial Building, Triumph Rd

Room A19

Steven Feldman

Ian Holt on September 5, 2012:

I'll be there between 9 and 10, depending on traffic.