The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

draft sponsor pages

Posted by Jo Cook on January 13, 2013

Dear All,

I've added the information that we have from our confirmed sponsors on BarryR's test version of the FOSS4G site at

We are missing some blurb from Google and Ordnance Survey, and I am not entirely convinced I have the correct sponsorship levels, but otherwise you see what it's going to look like.

I am only available Monday and Wednesday morning this week to make this live or make any changes unless someone else (Barry?) can do it.

If you could let me know what you think asap, and let me/us know when to "push the button" that would be most appreciated.




Antony Scott on January 13, 2013:


Looks good to me, comments:

* Google and OS links (ie to their sites) need fixing
* Will we have a page with all sponsors listed under their category headings (ie platimum, gold etc) - I guess it's the one labelled 'Special Sponsor Archive', but this may be a bit hard to organise like this if it's a collection of posts? Should also be an item on main 'sponsorship' menu
* I could make the changes most days this week if necc.



Barry Rowlingson on January 13, 2013:

I think the links need to start with http:// - looks like Jo just stuck the site name in.

Yeah, the "Special Sponsor Archive" page is a WP category page, I think. Its a bit ugly as is. If we want a "sponsor wall" page in category order then we need to add a shortcode to a page:

[sponsorlistlevels levels=Platinum,Diamond,Gold,Silver,Bronze,Supporter]

so that could be put on a page below the sponsorship top-level page and then added to the menu, but we still have the category page which appears here: and is linked from the individual sponsor pages. Annoyingly creating a page with that URL doesn't mask the category page. I need to dig more into WP to find out if that's possible, or to rewrite the sponsor page templates so that they don't show that link.

Needless to say, I've forgotten how all this WP template stuff works :)

Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

Fixed the two links. @Steven what do we do about the lack of blurb from OS and Google? Go with it as is, or wait?


Steven Feldman on January 14, 2013:

Apologies, I have been on another planet this morning

Looks brilliant to me, let's push it live without blurb from OS and Google and then send them an email to chivvy them up. Let me know when it's live and I will tweet



Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

Are we all happy to go live as is, without the enhancements Barry is suggesting, or do we want to wait until he has had time to implement? I can do the basic stuff today, and add the basic sponsor page but the template changes would need to wait.


Steven Feldman on January 14, 2013:

Go, go, go

Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

I'm going- just realised I need to do some image resizing so as not to annoy our bigger sponsors


Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

Hmm, something's not right. I've created all the pages but for some reason the links are not working. Go from here: and try and click on each sponsor in turn...

I'm looking into it.


Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

Odd. Am looking at it too.

Also, the footer graphics are now huge.

You can't have a set of constant-width logos without the square ones
looking bigger.

Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

Did you do something to the footer on the test site to use smaller images? I don't think we're in a position to dictate whether people use square or rectangular logos...

Can't see anything in the settings to compare between the two sites as to why the test site page URLs work and the live ones don't :-(


Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

I can see the sponsor pages now, so I suspect a caching issue unless you
did something to fix it.

I'm redoing the sponsor list page on the test site, should have new
template files to git pull by 5.30, but don't do it until I give the word!

There's a setting in the conference plugin that stops the listing of
sessions for each sponsor, since its not something we are really doing I'll
set that.

Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

We can dictate the width, and if company B want to make a logo that's 250px
by 10px then that's their problem. I think the constant width is okay, most
logos dont have extreme aspect ratios.

Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

Shall we turn comments off on the sponsor pages too? Don't really want to
invite comments on certain sponsors!

Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

OK, it must have been a caching thing because I can see the pages correctly now. Not sure why the footer logos on the test site are smaller- did you do something to that? (and can we do it on the live site too please?) All I've done is upload the images and make sure they are all 250 wide.

Shout when I should grab the latest files


Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

I really don't understand the image sizes....

I think the images in the sidebars are using the original 250px images but
scaling them browser-side with CSS.

The images in the footer (on the test site) are using images that are
generated by WP by scaling the original. The size seems to be 100 pixels,
which is derived from settings of image sizes in the sponsor sidebar
slideshow widget, which we're not using, so I think its a hangover from the
times I was using it on the demo site.

I suspect because the main site hasn't used a slideshow widget, then the
thumbnail versions haven't been generated. I don't know a way round this,
but I could probably tweak the footer widget to use CSS-rescaled versions
of the 250px files.


Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

I've decided that WP thumbnails are a pain. Have rejigged the code to
always use the full image (which should be 250px) and it should be resized
in CSS to never be more than 150px.

I am about to pull the theme from github...


Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

Shout if you need me to do anything- I'm about to sign off for the evening otherwise


Barry Rowlingson on January 14, 2013:

Okay, that should be done. Cached CSS takes a while to clear but seems okay
now. Just have a wander round the sponsor-related pages and check nothing
looks too gross.

Jo Cook on January 14, 2013:

Sweet! Thanks ever so
