The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Media Sponsors

Posted by Jo Cook on January 23, 2013

Hi All,

We've got SlashGeo as our first Media Sponsor, and part of the deal is that they get a front-page logo. Should I treat "Media" as another sponsor level do you think, and then create a widget to hold their logo? This will mean they appear in the sponsors page and in the footer as well as on the front page. I'm not sure yet what order the sponsors page will display sponsor levels in (it's doing something behind the scenes to create the order- I don't know what).

Other options welcome!



Barry Rowlingson on January 23, 2013:

I hard-coded the sponsorship levels into the footer.php code. Bad Barry. It should probably have been a slot for widgets or something. Anyway, I was learning.

The sponsors list page is driven by this template:

and again has sponsor categories hard coded. Slap me. But then it does give us the flexibility to treat media sponsors differently, perhaps adding a 'we would also like to thank our media sponsors who are getting free tickets in exchange for writing a few words about us which they would probably do anyway'...

I don't think it will break if it includes a category that doesn't exist, but hey, this is PHP and anything can happen. Actually I can try a few things on the dev site...

Note that nothing is 'behind the scenes' because all the code is on github :)

I'll test things on the dev site, might also adjust the logo spacing on the sponsors page, our supporters look like they are crammed into the Clock End of Highbury before the Taylor Report. That reference there especially for SF.

Jo Cook on January 23, 2013:

Apologies Barry- I assumed it was the plugin doing the work, not your code, no criticism intended :-)

I can upload a slashgeo logo to the test site for you- let me know if you need it.

Votes from everyone else on how we treat media sponsors- same as other types or not?


Barry Rowlingson on January 23, 2013:

Have implemented support for a sponsorship level called "Media" to the demo site. Have also set the footer to not show the wall of sponsors in the footer if we are on the sponsors page - otherwise everything appeared twice.

should now not have the sponsors in the footer, it also has a separate main header for media sponsors ("Our Media Partners") but then still has the "Media Sponsor" sub-heading because this is all hard-coded into the PHP that produces the listing...

I can keep this like this, change it, or drop it completely.

Jo Cook on January 23, 2013:

I like :-)


Barry Rowlingson on January 23, 2013:

Okay, shall I pull the changes from github to the live site?

Jo Cook on January 23, 2013:

In the absence of howls of negatives from anyone else, I would imagine so :-)


Barry Rowlingson on January 23, 2013:

Okay, that's live. You can now create a new sponsorship class called 'Media' and they should appear. Do this asap cos currently I don't check for zero media partners and there's an orphaned heading :)

Jo Cook on January 23, 2013:

Sorted- I'll need to create a Media widget for the front page too at some point



Steven Feldman on January 23, 2013:

At some point in the not too distant future we are going to have to think about logo sizes and prominence for different categories of sponsors. At the moment supporters, media sponsors seem to be almost the same as OS or Google. Before I open up to everyone can you suggest what is easy to do

Jo Cook on January 23, 2013:

Hi Steven,

We came up with logo guidelines of 250 wide, which we've basically applied to everyone. The Gold and Diamond sponsors do get the extra prominence of being in the left and right widgets as well as in the footer. 

It wouldn't be too much trouble to resize the images according to a basic size plan- though I'm not sure what impact that would have on the custom code that Barry has done to make them fit in the footer.

For my own side of things- tell me what sizes you'd like, and I'll do the grunt work of resizing and re-uploading. Though bear in mind that I'm on my way down to Epsom tomorrow so might not have chance till later/Friday to sort.


Barry Rowlingson on January 23, 2013:

The sponsorship packages table says Diamond, Platinum, and Gold get "Featured" on the web page, and the others get "Minor".

WDDD? An egalitarian footer - with smaller sponsor logos ordered by level but not indicated - **nobody had any home page prominence** - and a categorical sponsor page. The sponsors also had individual pages, and a few had custom text there (OpenGeo does) like we offer.

I think we're okay, as long as we can feature Platinum sponsors when they start rolling in...

Barry Rowlingson on March 1, 2013:

Media sponsors are now listed under a separate "Media Sponsors" heading on the footer.

Jo Cook on March 1, 2013:

Media Package details are up, and I've added Sensors and Systems (Matt Ball of Vector1 Media)
