The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Posted by Barry Rowlingson on January 30, 2013

Did someone mention a flyer? Just bashed out an A3 version suitable for putting two on an A4 sheet. I've only done one side, I guess they could be two sided and that would give a lot more space. For a one-sided flyer I think this has it all. I've tried to avoid putting anything on it that would expire, like the call for papers dates, so the flyer is valid from now to 17th september. Anything missing? Edits, comments etc etc?
The QR code should go to the web site.


Ian Edwards on January 30, 2013:

Looks perfect - I'll hold on for comments before distributing.

There are AGI showcases in Feb and Mar that some of the OSGeo:UK members can get flyers to.

Is the Map Exhibition definite now?

Steven Feldman on January 30, 2013:

That's a pretty awesome start, a picture or two would be nice - we could reduce font size to accomodate.

Yes the map gallery is pretty much confirmed

Barry Rowlingson on February 3, 2013:

Have done a bit of editing of the flyer, added a pic of the EMCC, a splash more colour, a bit more graphics. Normally I think a design job is done when there's nothing more you can take away, but in this case I made an exception and added a few things.

Barry Rowlingson on February 4, 2013:

Previous version was getting truncated at the edges a bit on our printer, so I've done a bit of tweaking to fix. This version is an A4 page twin with two flyers designed for cutting down the middle. If this is all okay then I'll make a single A3-size one as well, upload them to the web site and write a blog post to encourage people to use them.

Jo Cook on February 4, 2013:

We could use something like Lulu to get some nice printed versions of this sort of thing- for instance so that we have literature at FOSS4GNA (Lulu prints locally where poss, so shipping costs wouldn't be outrageous).

There is an osgeo:UK Lulu account that we could use for this, which Ian now has the details for. It just needs a credit card (if we decide to use it)


Barry Rowlingson on February 4, 2013:

Is anyone from the cttee going to FOSS4G-NA?

Jo Cook on February 4, 2013:

Steven mentioned it a while back but not sure if that has moved forward at all. We should ensure that we have some literature there though, regardless of whether we have a physical presence. 

Steven Feldman on February 5, 2013:

Flyer looks good and it would be good to have a batch printed up to drop at events as we evangelise, eg I have a 2 minute slot at #geomob on Thursday evening.

It's a possibility that I could go to the NA event, I was offered a comp delegate package and a speaking slot by David Bitner (need to check the offer is still on). Flight and hotel would cost £1600-1800! Sounds like a heck of a lot of money to me, what do you all think?

If Peter Batty is attending the NA event perhaps he could do the evangelising stuff for us?

Jo Cook on February 5, 2013:

+1 for Peter doing the evangelising if he's going, to save money. I'm sure we can find someone else, if he's not- plenty of OSGeo types will be there, after all.

Barry Rowlingson on February 5, 2013:

Have uploaded the flyers and made a post advertising them on the site.

Spread the geoword!

Barry Rowlingson on February 12, 2013:

Oops. I messed up the dates on the flyers - 17th to 23rd instead of 21st which is our official end date. That doesn't include the committee meets and code sprint which is scheduled for 22nd.

Its no great big deal but I'll fix and upload later - I've put an 'oops' note on the blog post.

Barry Rowlingson on February 12, 2013:

Flyers now fixed.

Ian Edwards on March 5, 2013:

Just to let you all know - In the next couple of days I'll be printing out (and posting) flyers for GISRUK ( and the Student Conference on Conservation Science (

I'm also intending to print some for AGI Brisol ( which I will take along on the day. I know a few others are attending - so please let me know by Friday if someone else already has this covered.

Rollo Home on March 7, 2013:

Barry, can you point me in the direction of the latest version of the flyer? When I try the ones on this page the resolution on the images is messed up.....cheers

Barry Rowlingson on March 7, 2013:

Are you using the rather crappy PDF viewer now built into Firefox? Because
I can see the pixels with that, but if I hit the download button (which I
find myself doing 9 times out of 10 with the Firefox PDF reader) and load
it into evince then the images look fine.

I Really Dont Know Why They Bothered

Rollo Home on March 8, 2013:

Thanks Barry. Yes. That's exactly what I've been doing. Sorry.