The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Education "Birds of a Feather" meeting

Posted by Jeremy Morley on January 30, 2013

Suchith and I have been talking. We'd like to arrange an Education "Birds of a Feather" session at FOSS4G. We're thinking that ~5pm on the Friday (20th Sept.) would be a good time (most people there, possibility of dial-in from the US). Does anyone foresee any problems with this?

Education could be broadly defined, to include school, FE/college, as well as university/Higher Education.


Jo Cook on January 30, 2013:

Sounds good- we should put it on the website so people are aware of it well in advance


Addy Pope on January 30, 2013:

Sounds good. 

Ian Edwards on June 16, 2013:

Is anyone organising the Birds of a Feather sessions, or should I take this on?

I've emailed the Discuss list to promote the 'Local Chapters Birds of a Feather' and also created a wiki page based on the sessions held at the 2009 conference:

The page needs updating with the timetable slots for the sessions and we can also add in the 'Education BOF meeting' that Jeremy suggested above.

Suchith Anand on June 16, 2013:

Hi Ian, please take charge of organising the Birds of Feather sessions. Me and Jeremy will be happy to arrange the Education Birds of Feather session but need info on when other BOF sessions are planned etc so we can start making preparations.  Thanks.

Steven Feldman on June 16, 2013:

Ian has quite a lot on with the GeoHack to organise. How about a bit of help?

It would be good if someone else stepped up and took responsibility for the BoFs. 

Jo Cook on June 17, 2013:

Guys, slow down a bit. The point of BOF is that they are self-organising- NOT that we organise them. All that's required is that we provide a space and a notice board for people to book things on. Since I'm probably most familiar with that sort of thing, I'll look after it if you like?

Suchith Anand on June 17, 2013:

Hi Jo, that will be good if you can look after BOF. I will add info and details of Education Birds of Feather planned to the wiki to get things started.

Ian Edwards on June 17, 2013:

Hi Jo

There's a paragraph (currently commented out) inviting people to self organise and we just need details of the time slots adding that we discussed at the face-to-face meeting.

Rollo Home on June 18, 2013:

Not wanting to over organise - but I recall a discussion that the BoF would be hosted around breakfast. I really liked the idea that people could meet in the dinning halls on tables and discuss geo over their cereal! Flags at the table could denote the topics. Potentially a noisy venue, but considering the lack of time in the schedule seemed to make sense to me....

Jo Cook on June 19, 2013:

Maybe flags that people can write their own topic on? Would be cheaper and more fun that way...

I'm thinking that using the wiki page as the primary place for people to add their sessions would be good- then hopefully we can have a screen with the sessions on and their locations.