The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

"Wacky" keynote speaker/after dinner speaker

Posted by Barry Rowlingson on February 8, 2013

Someone mentioned Michael Palin on the webex as a speaker. How about:

he's presented shows such as "Coast" and "Map Man". I don't know if he has any interest in open source. Can't find his agent, but he's on twitter...


Barend Köbben on February 8, 2013:

.. I liked the "coast" series, and woud guess he could give a good speech. But if we go for TV personalities from travel problems and wacky combined, I'd suggest Billy Connolly is hard to beat (but probably also hard to finance)...

Barry Rowlingson on February 8, 2013:

Nicholas Crane does have real academic credentials though, at least
according to wikipedia! He's written a biography of Mercator. Maybe the
sequel will be a biography of spherical Mercator?

his "Map Man" show was pretty good too:

Antony Scott on February 8, 2013:

Yes, he is a good bloke, I met him once, a long time ago. A cyclist too. Would be worth sounding him out if we can get hold of him.

Rollo Home on February 11, 2013:

Nick Crane is visiting OS 1st March - apparently a direct request he put to Vanessa. he will be - in payment - giving a lunch time presentation on the day. I've asked  Peter ter Haar to see if he can get a request in to Nick (perhaps direct or via Vanessa - it might have more impact that way). Watch this space....

Addy Pope on February 11, 2013:

Mmmmm, i heard he was a bit dull. We considered him for an event in the past and then went for Mike Parker (author of MapAddict). But, as you say, Nick Crane could be a good option with his credentials.

Rollo Home on February 12, 2013:

Well we can ask. If you have a contact to Mike Parker, are you pursuing that for this event?

Addy Pope on February 12, 2013:

Email for Nick Crane i got from his publisher in 2010:

Mike is a nice guy and his details are:

If you are considering mike then i can contact him, if you want to make contact yourself then just let him know that i passed on his address.

Rollo Home on February 12, 2013:

Addy....thanks for that. You seem well connected!
I think that it's always better for a request to come from a known contact if possible, so if you were happy to do so, can you make the contact? In the first instance however lets wait for formal approval to proceed from Steve (Steve?)
PS I've also updated the Speakers List text doc -

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Both would seem to be interesting choices. Do we have to choose one to approach first or can we accomodate both with one doing an after dinner slot and one speaking in say the closing plenary?

I am happy for you to proceed however you think best. Budget would be an issue to consider but we can address that (excuse pun) after we know whether either or both are available.

Rollo Home on February 14, 2013:

Pun? What pun ;-)

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Have you gone native already?

Rollo Home on February 18, 2013:

Addy - are you OK to make contact with Mike Parker? I'll see if I can get through to Nick Crane....