The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Workshop and Code Sprint Hangout Feedback

Posted by Mark Iliffe on February 14, 2013

Kate Chapman and I initiated the first community feedback session, timed for the Asia timezones. However, we had participants from across the timezones.

Issues with equipment and bandwidth this meant a true conversation was (IMO) hard to get started in a forum. We switched to text soon after it was started. However, the feedback was valuable to further scope what the community-at-large would like to see at FOSS4G in 2013. 


Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

Mark, do you have a link to where your IRC chat was logged so I can add it to the foss4g 2013 wiki page?



Mark Iliffe on February 20, 2013:

It was a G+ hangout, not an IRC.

Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

So you didn't go to IRC for the text side of things? My bad! Don't suppose you can provide a log?

Jo on February 20, 2013:

I think the consensus was that next time we should stick to IRC. Bandwidth
was certainly and issue.

Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

Cool, there's an #osgeo-uk channel which you're welcome to use- it's logged too. If you can get some logs for the text-based discussion you had, then that would be good to put on the official foss4g wiki page just for completeness, but it's no big deal.



Mark Iliffe on February 20, 2013:


Aren't you and Ian facilitating the session?


Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

No, Matt and Ian are, I can't make it. 
