The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Registration Page

Posted by Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013

I have drafted the text for the registration page and shared with you at

Comments? Check dates (I have only put 1 day in for the hack and 1 for the workshops which is what I think we agreed). Any changes are needed pretty soon.

Mark has set up the eventbrite for the hackathon which shows as not open yet, see

Claire, can you start to update the registration system with these descriptions, prices and dates.

Barry/Jo/Antony can you turn this text into a registration page on the site (but don't publish until Claire confirms that changes are made to registration system.

This is where it starts to get exciting


Claire Gilmour on February 14, 2013:

I have updated the registration form - can a few check it looks ok? I am not in the office this afternoon so can make it live tomorrow. 

The Hackathon is showing the date 13th September.

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

I've tried it out and it all looks fine to me

Jeremy Morley on February 14, 2013:

A few comments:

Does everyone have a mobile phone or want to share the number? It's a required field.

When I click "Full conference" for registration, it's not clear why other options suddenly appear. Also, do I need to book accommodation too? There should be some more explanation of what needs booking, what's optional, etc.

When I select "accommodation" it then opens up day-by-day choices. Could there be a "select all" button for either the hotel or halls (which selects the overnights during the full conference but not before or after)? It's awkward to have to select all the right options (and prone to error, I suspect). Also, maybe put the day of the week as well as date for each day.

It's a shame that the maps & directions link at the end goes to Google Maps which has no site details for the uni! If you want a commercial service with routing, Bing does much better:  or there's OSM: Shortlink

Generally looks good though!

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Mobile number should be optional not mandatory IMO

I thought the description at… was pretty clear about booking accommodation etc

I think you are being a bit finickety re the individual day selections for accommodation but I agree that putting the day names (Monday ...) into the listings would help to avoid confusion. Claire can you do this.

Re the map link, I agree with Jeremy we should use the link to OSM above.

Any word from Barry, Jo or Antony on getting the registration page on the site up?


Jo Cook on February 14, 2013:

Sorry, not me till tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. 


Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

If you can give me author rights or whatever I could have a try. 

Claire when can you make those last tweaks and switch to live?

Jo Cook on February 14, 2013:

Done- you already had a user account on there so I've upped the rights to Editor. Let me know if you need a new password...


Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Can you message me with login details
Getting old and forgetful, too many passwords

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Maybe the site is down?

Jo Cook on February 14, 2013:

The site locked you out because you tried too many passwords :-) I've released the lock and hopefully emailed you a new password. Please change it!


Rollo Home on February 14, 2013:

Clare - I was testing the 'forgot password' service - it doesn't seem to reset the password with the new version. User error?

Steven Feldman on February 14, 2013:

Jo, no mail received

Claire Gilmour on February 15, 2013:

I have updated the registration form to show the days.

The reset password works ok for me - can someone else try it?

Jo Cook on February 15, 2013:

Can someone send me the two images used in the google doc so I can use them on the website? 



Jo Cook on February 15, 2013:

Registration stuff is live. I am vaguely unhappy with the way that the "proceed to..." bits are squashed at the bottom on some of the pages- I can't currently work out why this is happening, but I'll sort. If you spot any problems, let me know!


Claire Gilmour on February 15, 2013:

can you put a link to registration on each page?  If prices are being advertised elsewhere some people may just want to go straight to the registration

Steven Feldman on February 15, 2013:

Good idea

Jo Cook on February 15, 2013:

Done. Added to all appropriate pages, and also added link to students@... email so that students can email proof of status to Claire.

Have a good weekend/holiday/other type of break


Mark Iliffe on February 18, 2013:

Hackathon registration is open and accepting bookings!

Jo Cook on February 20, 2013:

Hi Mark,

Does anything need doing to indicate that the hackathon registration is open- eg is there a link that needs to be added to the registration pages somewhere?

