The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Programme changes

✔ Workshops: Change co-presenters for W9 to: Nathan Woodrow, Peter Wells, Marco Hugentobler, Pirmin Kalberer, Mathias Walker


Rollo Home on August 12, 2013:

This is done - will tick as done once I've reviewed the programme guide and noted the change there.
Update: this is NOT done. I added this comment to the wrong action. Apologies - I understand Matt's comment now! Doh.

Matt Walker on August 12, 2013:

I've only this evening updated the website, do we need to leave here so it gets incorporated in the printed programme?

Rollo Home on August 12, 2013:

I'm using this list double check that changes I've made to the programme are checked against the draft programme....I've not included Workshop details. If you do use this list for that, please mark the items as Workshop. Cheers