The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Workshops and code sprints

✔ Logistics: Produce workshop staff schedule


Matt Walker on September 8, 2013:

Hi Mark,

In the schedule can you also include the slots for presenters testing their material in the labs. Currently we have advertised on the workshop list:

Testing - 11:00 Hallward Library: LG101
Testing - 14:00 Sir Clive Granger Building: B26e

We've already heard from some that can't make those times (, other possible times include Monday afternoon (to allow people to arrive), Tuesday before the first workshop or after the last has finished.

I guess you can use the LOC schedule to workout availability but I'm going to be home Monday night so can't cover from about 16:00 Monday, I'll be leaving early so should be on-site for about 8:00 Tue morning.

I think we've got Ian H, Jo, Jeremy and both of us to help out.

Do you think you could get the testing sessions arranged tomorrow and posted to the list?



Matt Walker on September 10, 2013:

Hi Mark,

Just checking if you've made a start on the schedule and in particular times for presenters to test their material?



Mark Iliffe on September 10, 2013:

Hi Matt, I've not as I'd not seen this until now - was at State of the Map. Then Open Humanitarian Initiative, for Taarifa. I'll try and work on it tonight. I don't remember anyone assigning this to me, apologies.

Mark Iliffe on September 11, 2013:

Right. As a scratch email I'm planning to post this tomorrow. I'll do it if there are no clear objections by around 1500 - internet permitting. Jo, can you take a shift on Monday at 11:00 - 12:30 in Trent B16 and on Tuesday 0800-0900 to iron-out any issues? If that's not possible, can you ping me? Cheers!

-------------- SOM ---------------


As Matt has said in previous post, we've been working on a schedule when you you can come and test the equipment for your workshops. The times where we are available to help are as follows;

  • Monday 11:00 - 13:00 at the Hallward Library.
  • Monday 1315 - 1500 at the Sir Clive Granger Building.
  • Tuesday 0800 - 0900 in Trent B16.

We implore you to come at these times to test out your workshops, so your workshop will run smoothly on the day. If these times aren't good, please get in contact so we can work something out.


Mark Iliffe

-------------- EOM ----------------

Jo Cook on September 11, 2013:

Hi Mark,

I don't arrive in Nottingham until 1.30 on Monday, so can't do that shift, and I'm down to do registration on the Tuesday at 8-9 apparently- so can't help you there...


Mark Iliffe on September 11, 2013:

Jeremy, anything you could help with?

Jeremy Morley on September 11, 2013:

I'd expected to be doing the two shifts on Monday. I can't really do Tuesday easily because Amir and I are running one of the workshops at 9/9:30 (whatever it is).


Mark Iliffe on September 11, 2013:

Suchith, can you pick this up? I'm getting desperate.

Jo Cook on September 11, 2013:

Sorry Mark, the earliest I can get into Nottingham is 12.30 as my ticket is off-peak, so I really can't help :-(

Suchith Anand on September 11, 2013:

I will do my best to try to fit this
  • Tuesday 0800 - 0900 in Trent B16
but i need to leave at sharp 9:00 as i have THE ISSUE project meeting scheduled

Mark Iliffe on September 11, 2013:

Suchith, many thanks. You'll have to leave sharp then anyway, as the workshops will start anyway!

Mark Iliffe on September 12, 2013:

I've updated the Google Docs with a staff schedule. If you are not happy with what you've got, please ping me, otherwise I'll assume it's all good. Have also sent the above message to the workshops mailing list to inform about getting present and correct for the workshops.

Matt Walker on September 12, 2013: