The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Workshops and code sprints

✔ Email workshop conference list with details of times for testing workshop material on Monday


Matt Walker on September 3, 2013:

Two of the computer labs will be available on Monday 16th to allow workshop organisers to test their workshop material. Hallward Library: LG101 will be available at 11:00 while Sir Clive Granger Building: B26 E will be available at 13:00.

Hallward Library: LG101 has an equivalent set up to Sir Clive Granger Building: B29 A & B and Trent B16.

I'd strongly encourage all workshop organisers to take advantage of this opportunity particularly if you are looking to connect to the internet (which will require using the university proxy settings) use a local login or your own Live DVD or USB package.

If you are unable to attend on the Monday then please let me know as we may be able to arrange an alternative time.

Matt Walker on September 4, 2013:

Hi Jeremy,

Can you give a once over before I sent it to the conf workshop list.



Jeremy Morley on September 4, 2013:

Two of the computer labs will be available on Monday 16th to allow workshop organisers to test their workshop material. Hallward Library: LG101 will be available at 11:00 while Sir Clive Granger Building: B26e will be available at 14:00.

Hallward Library: LG101 has an equivalent software set up to Sir Clive Granger Building: B29 A & B and Trent B16.

B26e has a different set up, so if your workshop is in that room you should try your workshop material in that room - otherwise please test in Hallward LG101.

I'd strongly encourage all workshop organisers to take advantage of this opportunity particularly if you are looking to connect to the internet (which will require configuring the university proxy settings), to use a local login, or to use your own Live DVD or USB package.

If you are unable to attend on the Monday then please let me know as we may be able to arrange an alternative time.

Matt Walker on September 5, 2013:

Thanks Jeremy, I've just sent it.