The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Workshops and code sprints

✔ Add co-presenters to booking report


Matt Walker on September 11, 2013:

Hi Barry,

Could you please add co-presenters to so we've got a complete list of those that should be present in each workshop.


Barry Rowlingson on September 11, 2013:

Matt, this and the timetable change are done in the dev code but I'm in the middle of some delicate database stuff for the map gallery so I don't want to push my work to the main server yet.  If I had some more advanced git skills I could probably figure out how to just pull the changes to the workshop stuff for you but its not something I want to try at 11:30 at night...

It'll happen once I've redefined the map gallery database table and pulled the changes. Tomorrow evening most likely


Barry Rowlingson on September 12, 2013:

Done. Check it!