OSGeo Journal News _______________________________________________________ GENERAL OSGeo 2008 FOSS4G Call for Proposals Closes The RFP solicitation closed July 20th, 2007. Four organizations submitted proposals to host next year's event: * Bangkok, Thailand * Cape Town, South Africa * Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil * Seville, Spain For more information about FOSS4G 2008 please visit http://www.osgeo.org/conference/rfp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Google Summer of Code Projects Underway There are 15 OSGeo-sponsored projects underway in the Google Summer of Code program: * GRASS Modules for line generalization and smoothing * GDAL Raster Driver for PNG/JPG Tile Structure + gdal2tiles utility * Materialized Views with Geometric Support * Plugins for multidimensional raster data sources. * Caching data in uDig * JTileCache * Shortest path in free (vector) space avoiding obstacles module in GRASS * GDAL: KML read support for the existing driver * New Transformation Algorithms for GeoTools and uDig * Coverage model and operations for PostGIS * GeoServer Style Editor * Implementation of An Interactive GeoRSS tool in uDig * A Synthetic Aperture RADAR Processor using GDAL * 3D Rendering Pipeline for GeoTools * OGC WMS GDAL driver For an more information on each project, including the participant and mentor, please visit http://code.google.com/soc/2007/osgeo/about.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______________________________________________________ PROJECTS MapGuide MapGuide Open Source announces that the Fusion Technical Preview is available for download. The announcement was made by Paul Spencer of DM Solutions Group Inc.: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For more information please visit the MapGuide OSGeo homepage at http://mapguide.osgeo.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MapServer MapServer 5.0 is slated to be released just in time for FOSS4G2007 on Wed Sept. 12, 2007. With this release comes a number of feature enhancement proposals including: * Enhanced image output quality via the AGG library * Dynamic Charting Capability * Labelling prioritization * and many more! For more details about the MapServer Release Plan plesae visit http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/development/release_plans/mapserver_5_0/release_plan/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QGIS QGIS 0.8.1 Released It is our great pleasure to announce the immediate availability of Quantum GIS (QGIS) Version 0.8.1. The release includes numerous bug fixes and stability improvements to the 0.8 code base. QGIS is available is source form, and will be available as binary executables for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux. http://qgis.org/content/view/143/65/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MapBender ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GDAL/OGR GDAL/OGR 1.4.2 Released The GDAL/OGR team is pleased to announce the release of GDAL/OGR 1.4.2. This is intended to be a bug fix release extending the GDAL/OGR 1.4 stable branch and does not include the many new features in the development trunk (which will appear as GDAL/OGR 1.5.0). For more information please visit http://www.osgeo.org/node/367 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoNetwork ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRASS GRASS GIS releases version 6.2.2 GRASS 6.2.2 is a new stable release which fixes several bugs discovered in the 6.2.1 source code. This release is solely for stability purposes and adds no new features. The default Graphical User Interface has been further stabilised, and the LIDAR processing tools and Linear Reference System support significantly improved. GRASS 6.2.2 also includes a number of new message translations, and updates for the help pages. For more information please visit http://www.osgeo.org/node/369 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoTools ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mapbuilder ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenLayers OpenLayers releases verion 2.4. OpenLayers has addressed over 100 outstanding tickets with the 2.4 release. Release notes are located at http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Release/2.4/Notes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~