Jorge Sanz is Consultant in Geospatial technologies at PRODEVELOP. Cartography and Geodesy Engineer, Geodesy and Geophysics specialist by the Polythecnic University of Valencia since 2003. After a short period as a researcher and lecturer at UPV he's being working in PRODEVELOP as a developer and analyst on GIS web and desktop projects. Nowadays he's also part of the gvSIG Technical Steering Committee and its coordinator and he is in charge of the incubation process of gvSIG in OSGeo. He has also experience training on FOSS4G technologies (web mapping, desktop and mobile GIS) and published a book on web mapping in 2005. He's Charter Member of the OSGeo Foundation, member of its Incubation committee as well as part of the Boards of Directors of the Spanish language Local Chapter of the OSGeo Foundation. As an active member of gvSIG and OSGeo, he has participated in several national and international meetings like the gvSIG conference, JIDEE, Free GIS Spanish meeting, XXII International Cartographic Conference and recently the VI International meeting in Geomatics in La Havana. He also maintains with several friends and colleagues a web log about GIS, cartography and other geoscience topics since 2006 called with more than 140 posts on line.